Worked outside in the garden a bit.
Had no sugar today.
Rode a little over 21 miles on the exercise bike this week.
In the past six weeks, I've biked a tad over 108 miles.
Today was the 82nd consecutive day of exercising.
And two new things in the picture department today - my pic of the day is a video and I have a guest picture, too.
Jenn sent this picture from her cell phone of ducks, geese, and birds in the park. Canadian geese, mallard ducks, a seagull, and an Aflac duck. Can't get much more diverse than that.
And for the first time, a video for my picture of the day. I took a still picture of it, but the video is so much better. That's our baby hummingbird sitting all by herself in the nest, but not for long. Take a look at what happens next.