The cat got let out of the bag.
With me at work two days this week, then working furiously on my daughter's quilt blocks, us heading to the casino, yesterday being a full day of doctor stuff and last minute grocery shopping, and my daughter coming home for the night, I forgot.
I forgot to hide the blocks I was making for her quilt (Day 294). My repeated insinuations that it was a "girl's quilt" (implying it was for charity) didn't appear to carry much weight with her. I think she knows it's hers because of the kitties in the middle of the blocks. It didn't help that I had texted her last week asking her favorite color (pink).
But she doesn't know the part of the quilt she'll like the most. It won't be revealed to her until she opens the wrapped present on Christmas morning. It isn't quite done so no picture yet, but it better be done by tomorrow!
I already have a picture for today, anyway. My daughter wanted my help making some cookies for her work. A joint mother-daughter baking-decorating session. Good job kiddo.