I was going to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.
But I've been scooter-dependent these last few weeks because of the disastrous knee. I was quite sad knowing today wasn't going to happen. I resigned myself to leaving the ship this morning, stopping by Fisherman's Wharf to grab a San Francisco sticker for scooter, going straight to the hotel, and then staying there for the day.
Things were set in motion very early this morning to change that. I'm not sleeping well because of the knee. Thank goodness. If it weren't for the pain, I wouldn't have seen this sight out my cabin door before daybreak.

As I was sitting there watching as our ship passed under the Golden Gate Bridge I happened to look down at my arm. "I choose joy."
And it hit me. It's okay. While I was seeing a sight many get to see, I was seeing it from a direction - and at a spectacular time of day - that fewer get to experience. I choose joy and all is good with me whether I can walk or not.
Then somewhere between getting off the ship and my scootering over to Fisherman's Wharf I got this idea I was going on a city tour. One that stopped at the bridge. And before I could talk myself out of it I was on the Golden Gate Bridge with Scooter. Scooter took me from one side to the other and I have the pictures to prove it.