(If you would rather watch a video instead of read this posting, take a look at this video here.)
Looking for more things to do on your Alaskan cruise? Check out some of the other things we’ve done!
Why come all the way to Alaska to just go into Canada? To conquer a fear of heights.
The population of Skagway runs around 1,000. During the summer season it doubles, but back during the height of the gold rush the population of Skagway was as high as 30,000. (I love the days when there is only one ship in town.)
A lot of passengers take the train trip when in port. The White Pass & Yukon Route Railroad – built during the Klondike Gold Rush – is an “International Civil Engineering Landmark” and shares honors with the Eiffel Tower, the Panama Canal, and the Statue of Liberty.
Since we’ve ridden the railroad more than once we now skip it and do other things.On this particular day the other thing involved a passport to get into Canada. A Klondike, suspension bridge, and salmon bake tour. As our bus headed into the Yukon Territory we had beautiful views.
Our close up glimpse of a bear was so close I couldn't even get the whole thing in the picture!
While I did enjoy the scenery and wildlife, I really was taking this excursion to the Yukon Suspension Bridge to conquer my fear of heights. It certainly was the best place to do it.See that bridge over the canyon? That's where I'm headed.
As I got closer, my heart started beating harder. I was scared.
Once on the bridge you can look down and see the water through the bridge. Even scarier.
After making it across the bridge you'd think my fear would have abated. But I have to walk back across it.
I talked to myself all the way. What did I say? Oh God. Take a step. Oh God. Take a step. Oh God. Take a step.
This afternoon was the time to overcome my fear of heights. I walked all the way to one side of the suspension bridge and all the way back across the same bridge. No one to hold my hand, no one to cheer me on. Just me and my fears. (Did you know suspension bridges move when people walk on them? Yikes.)
The trip was worth it. Fear conquered and just look the view from the middle of the bridge. Spectacular! Would I do it again? Absolutely!