Saturday, April 7, 2018

Cruise Ports - Tendering

It's Cruise Ship Saturday! Today we're talking about tender ports.

“To reach a port we must set sail –
Sail, not tie at anchor
Sail, not drift.” 
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Unless your ship is at a port that requires tendering.

In some ports the ship may not be able to dock at the pier. The channel may not be deep enough for the ship or the piers could be full with other ships. The ship instead anchors offshore. Passengers are then shuttled back and forth from ship to shore in tenders. The boats used to tender are typically the ship’s lifeboats and in some cases, local boats.
Lifeboats are quite safe and stable.
Tenders, being small boats on ocean waters, can bump and move. The crew does a great job in assisting passengers with entering and exiting the tender. Follow their instructions. The movement felt on the tender will be more than is felt on the ship. Tendering can be a challenge for people with physical difficulties as tenders require steps to enter and exit and are not wheelchair accessible. Passengers with collapsible wheelchairs and foldable walkers and scooters who can navigate steps may be able to access the tenders. Full sized mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs are usually not allowed.

Don't want to take a tender to shore? Stay onboard the ship. Some of the most peaceful and quiet times can be had when everyone else is off the ship. While onboard shops are closed the pools are open, the buffet is empty, and the decks are clear. It’s like having your own private yacht for the day.
A private yacht day.