Saturday, May 5, 2018

Cruise Ship Pools

It's Cruise Ship Saturday! Today we're talking about cruise ship pools.

Cruise ships have multiple pools. Some are shallow, some deep, some adults only. They can vary from warm to refreshing to downright chilly. Generally pool temperatures run from 20°-30° Celsius (68°-86° Fahrenheit) with hot tubs running 30°-40° Celsius (86°-104° Fahrenheit).
And most are busy when the weather is nice.

On warmer weather cruises lounge chairs by the pools and hot tubs are prime real estate. An empty chair doesn’t stay empty for long. Leave a chair for a few minutes to use the restroom or grab a drink and another passenger might move into the space. Put a towel and a personal item like a book, bag, or hat to save the spot while you're in the water. Don’t leave items longer than half an hour as they could be removed by deck personnel.

Pools and hot tubs are open most of the time but are frequently covered at night. Pools may also be closed during rough seas. The movement of the ship can slosh the water right on out. For safety reasons the crew may even drain the pools during these times.

On most ships pool towels are provided on a shelf near the pool or are checked out by deck attendants. Pool towels can be taken off ship to the beach or excursion as long as you return them. Please don’t be like the person (me) who gave one away in Mexico because she was too lazy to carry the heavy wet towel back to the ship at the end of a long day at the beach. I won’t do it again. Promise.

Some pools are indoors
Some pools are outdoors
Some have great views