Hello from the Royal Princess! Yep, we're headed out again.
We left the hotel at 10 am and were sitting in the embarkation lounge by 10:30. While we typically don't arrive at port that early, we were looking to have a leisurely, stress-free, line-free day. And it worked! It took us all of 30 minutes to walk from our hotel to the pier, drop off our luggage, have someone glance at our passports and boarding passes, go through security, check in and get our cabin key and boarding card, grab some water in the elite/platinum embarkation lounge, and have a seat. Not a line to be found anywhere in that .85 miles from point to point. And bonus - our walk to the port took us over the exact pavement hubby fell on in September and this time there was no fall. Woo hoo!

We left the hotel at 10 am and were sitting in the embarkation lounge by 10:30. While we typically don't arrive at port that early, we were looking to have a leisurely, stress-free, line-free day. And it worked! It took us all of 30 minutes to walk from our hotel to the pier, drop off our luggage, have someone glance at our passports and boarding passes, go through security, check in and get our cabin key and boarding card, grab some water in the elite/platinum embarkation lounge, and have a seat. Not a line to be found anywhere in that .85 miles from point to point. And bonus - our walk to the port took us over the exact pavement hubby fell on in September and this time there was no fall. Woo hoo!
Elites were called to board at 11:15 and now we are sitting watching boats come and go from the outside seating area behind the buffet. Can't get a better day than that.
I won't be posting the Princess Patters this time around as we still have a limited number of Internet minutes. Can't wait for the Royal to get the unlimited super-speedy MedallionNet! Until then, I'll need to conserve minutes. If you do have questions about something in the Patter, just email me. I won't throw them away until the end of the cruise.
But if you are looking for the officer's, this may help:
But if you are looking for the officer's, this may help:
So where are we headed this time?