Welcome to another week of Foster Friday. This day is always the best of the week because I get to show off my little foster babies. (The kitten kind, of course.)
Schools may be closed all around the world, but Kitty School is open at my house. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme have been learning lots of great lessons as they move from three week old kitties to four week old kitties.
Please sit down, children. |
*Bottles are good. You get yummy food in your tummy and lots of one-on-one time with Foster Mama. She gives you plenty of loving and even helps clean your face.
Getting tired. |
*Recess is fun! Foster Mama lets us have supervised play on her couch.

*Couches are a great place to climb.

*Eating off a saucer is...well...interesting. We like stepping in it and licking it off our paws the best.
*We like eating food from a spoon, too. Yeah, it's messy but oh-so-good.
*We're getting to be big kids because Foster Mama is teaching us to eat out of a bowl.
*We found out bowls are messy, too.
*But we are learning to clean ourselves! Did you know only a tongue and paw are needed?
*Toys are fun. We'll get more toy lessons next week.
*Scratching posts are also fun. I still need lessons on this one, too.
*We learned the louder we talk, the faster Foster Mama listens.

*Naps are great when you're snuggled with ones you love.
Yep, a great week for us all. See you back next week for another Foster Friday!
Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!
If you need even more cuteness, along with reasons why you should be a foster parent, check out the video I made a couple years back.