If you read
yesterday's blog post, you know Sage and Thyme's time has come and they are ready for their forever homes. They were neutered yesterday and are headed to the adoption floor at
Simply Cats. Before they left, we all had some grand times together this week.
Sage learned he liked to watch Westerns.
Thyme figured he might as well follow his brother's lead.
Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!
They all decided they liked the morning sunshine. The easy-to-climb wicker was a welcome bonus.
Toy theft was a popular activity. Come close and you'll get a deep growl from somewhere in that tiny body.
Can't get the toy back? Might as well give up and fall asleep instead.
What, kittens sleeping? Oh, yeah.
In between toy stealing and sleeping they somehow found time to pose for pictures.
Parsley |
Sage |
Rosemary |
Thyme |
It's amazing how fast they grow up. Remember from the
first Foster Friday in May when they looked like this? I had tried to put them in the proper order and they wouldn't go for it then.
Left to right: Sage, Rosemary, Parsley, Thyme. |
Now they sit still and even look at the camera. And they stayed in the right order for me!
Left to right: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme.
The boys may be gone now, but the girls are still here. We'll see what kind of trouble we all can get into (or stay out of). Stay tuned for an update next Friday!