As a foster parent to kittens, you bear some responsibility for the behaviors orphaned kittens exhibit as adult cats. There are things ingrained in them that require a little nudging on your part. Things like cleaning themselves and litter box use. Then there are those things requiring outright teaching. Maybe not so much teaching, but redirection.
My Simon & Garfunkel foster kittens are hitting the seven week mark and this has definitely been the week of nos and yeses. It's important to make sure they pick up good play habits and not bad ones so a lot of this week was spent redirecting their play time. To help keep them out of trouble, this is the week curtains came down, dishtowels and cords hidden, and tissue boxes and vent covers put away.
Here are a few (sometimes funny) activities this week.
Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!
Yes, you can play with the piece of ice I dropped. But next time we'll put it in your water bowl instead.
Sage |
Want to watch TV? Yep, go ahead.
Parsley |
No, you can't eat my yogurt.
Sage |
You also can't get into your bag of food.
Sage |
No, you can't chew on my iPad.
Rosemary |
But yes, you can play the fishing game.
Thyme |
You can also fall asleep on it, if you must.
Rosemary |
Sage |
You can even cheer for the home team while you're on the iPad. If sports were happening, that is.
Sage |
No, you can't come into the bathroom with me. Oops, too late.
Parsley is tiny enough she can squeeze under the door. |
And no tissues for you, either.
Rosemary |
Please leave my dishtowel alone.
Dang, forgot about the other towel. Guess it'll be a bit before they let me get at this one.
Wrestle in the sunshine without the dishtowel? Go for it!
Steal my vent cover? Nope.
Parsley |
Yes, you can sit in the windowsill.
But nope, you can't climb on the screen.
Sage |
Climb the wall as you chase your morning shadow? You betcha.
Rosemary the shadow climber with Thyme the basket boy. |
No zipper and shoestring biting, missy.
Rosemary |
Want to show me your pretty teeth? Sure. But remember, hands aren't for biting.
Parsley |
How about a game of tug of war? I'm okay with it.
Sage and Thyme |
Sometimes it's a judgement call. Okay to be on the bookshelf? Maybe.
Thyme on the shelf with basket-explorer Parsley |
Give your sister some lovin’? Absolutely!
Rosemary and Sage |
Sleep peacefully? Well, of course that's okay.
Parsley |
Rosemary |
Thyme |
Rather have me see your eyes? I'll take that, too!
Sage |
Set up camp on a lap? Most certainly!
My daily pile-o’-kitties |
Another lively week of foster kitties.