It has been another wild week in the Wild West Foster household. Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn't been so wild. Mama Kate is a chill cat and is setting the tone for the house. Babies want to eat? Play? Clean? All at the same time? She's up for it.
She doesn't even mind too much when they choose a saucer of gruel over her. Break time for Mama!
Wild Bill |
Calamity Jane |
Annie Oakley |
Wyatt Earp |
Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!
It has been a fun week with all of them. I again have a video on Wyatt, the little guy missing his two back paws. He's been working on exploring his space this week, so be sure to check out his adventures.
See you back here again next week for another Foster Friday!