Merry Christmas and Happy Foster Friday from the Wild West Gang!
We had planned on doing some kitty cat family photos today to share with everyone, but 10 week old kitties aren't always cooperative. While we didn't have a Christmas tree this year, we still could have taken their pictures in front of stockings or a Christmas quilt. Heck, I would have even been happy with them all sitting still in one place anywhere in the house today!
Although it's still early in the day, they've already had enough excitement this week with Wyatt's Christmas presents so we're giving them (and me) a break from the camera. Instead, we'll go with the few moments of quiet we had. As the Wild West Gang is definitely living up to their names those moments were few and far between.
All together on the cat tree with some Christmas decor in the background is as close as we'll get. |
Calamity Jane sound asleep. Silly girl. |
Annie Oakley and Wild Bill oh-so-close to napping. |
Shhh...don't tell Wyatt I took a picture of him with one of his Christmas presents. |
Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!
What? Wyatt has a Christmas present in the picture? Yep! Check out his video to see what he got.
I also got a huge Christmas present from Wyatt. Every day for the last six weeks he has gone to the bathroom outside the litter box. I've cleaned up pee and poo off of his blankets and run laundry. Every. Single. Day. But last night, on Christmas Eve, after I finished putting together his video...WYATT USED THE LITTER BOX!!! Happy Dance, Happy Dance! So while it's not mentioned in this week's video it definitely will be in the next one.
Merry Christmas to all!
Learn more about living with the Wild West Foster Kitten Gang here.
Watch all the episodes of The Adventures of Wyatt Earp, the Foster Kitten with no back feet here.