Hello from The Wild West Gang!
Hello from Trouble Maker Town!
Hello from the land of Foster Kittens Just Being Foster Kittens!
The week they went wild and got into everything.
They took things out of the closet. Tried to open kitchen cabinets. Dropped toys into their water bowls. Hid toys around the toilet. Confiscated shoes and stole socks. Climbed up our legs as we walked. Hid tissues. Squeezed under closed doors. Took flying leaps from the cat trees to anything and anyone - people included - within 10 feet of them. It was also the week they thought suckling on brother one night would be a good idea. (Thankfully I heard the whining and was able to get up and stop it.)
They also thought they should be helping me in the sewing room by playing on the ironing table...