Wednesday, July 10, 2024

July 10: Whittier to Anchorage to Fairbanks

Today was quite the busy day. I met for the shuttle a little after 6 AM, disembarked the ship, and was on the bus in line to go through the tunnel by 7 AM. 


I had a front seat all to myself, so I was able to look here there and everywhere on the ride to the airport. 

Since luggage was sent ahead of us on a truck we all had to visit the tour luggage room at the airport to pick up our bags. They only let a few people in at a time and with them checking our IDs so no one grabbed the wrong luggage it slowed things down a little bit.
Hidden in the wall by security
I had a few hours to wait at the airport but once we got in the air, all kinds of fun sites were to be seen. 
Ed this one’s for you
I wish my cell phone could pick up the different shades of blues and greens I saw throughout the flight. 
Can you guess who’s peeking out above the clouds?
And meandering rivers were abundant.
When we landed I waited for another bus to take me to the hotel, the Fairbanks Princess Riverside Lodge. Most people headed to the rooms, but it was too wonderful of a day to do that. So I headed out to the deck and had some lunch. 
The food wasn’t spectacular, but the views couldn’t be beat.
I have an accessible room with a shower, not a bathtub. Nice! A pet peeve of mine is when rooms considered wheelchair accessible have bathtubs.
I even have a little twin bed in here. 
Luggage will be delivered later but then it has to be out again tomorrow morning around 6AM because I’m off to a riverboat cruise before I head back towards Denali. The short land tour portion of my adventure is beginning!
View from my room