Saturday, September 8, 2018

Medallion Class™ and Ocean Medallion™ Updates on the Caribbean Princess

If you're looking for Medallion Class™ and Ocean Medallion™ Updates on the Caribbean Princess for the week of September 8-18, 2018, here ya go!

September 17
First up, I was able to use my Medallion to get off and on the ship today. Woo hoo! They have a Medallion sensor similar to this one. 
Most everyone taps their cards but I asked to use my Medallion instead. And it worked! We still have to do a second scanning with the cruise card like we've always done. My understanding is that soon it will just be the Medallion sensor being used.

Secondly, we received this voucher when we left the ship today. Free unlimited wi-fi in port? A second woo hoo! 
But alas, it was not available under our wi-fi choices at the place where we went for the day in Nassau. While at the Bearded Clam we were within the free downtown wi-fi zone and a half mile's walk from the ship, it didn't work for us. And the other passengers in the same location couldn't get it to work for them, either. I tried multiple times during the day to get it to show up but it didn't. I even went out to the main street hoping for some magic. Nada. (Thank goodness for the Bearded Clam's free wi-fi.)
Only when we headed back and got even closer the ship did it finally pop up.
Honestly by that time I was so tired of trying all day I didn't care anymore so I didn't go beyond the log-in screen. Hopefully someone else on this sailing had better luck than I did and can report what the speed and reliability was like.

It sounds like this will be something to look forward to in the future while on Medallion Class ships. I'll let you know if I hear anything more.

This evening we have new choices on our on-demand TV. There is an entire section devoted to the Medallion.

While I was able to watch one of the videos (and recognized some folks on it!), I think it must be in test mode. Because when the video ended, the screen went black. And stayed there. No back button worked, no up and down buttons worked, and even turning it off and on didn't work. (Oops, I think I broke the TV.) So no catching up on movies tonight. Bummer. If you're on the ship now or in the coming weeks and you were able to watch the videos I'd like to hear what you thought of them.

Want to see the progression of the roll-out? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. Check out how we got here:
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

September 16
The other day I mentioned I had thought I had played one of the Medallion casino games, the Tipsy Tentacle Slots, on an app before but now can’t access it. Today I got clarification on what has happened. Originally the casino-type games were combined with the non-wagering games in one app. They’ve now split the apps into two. The OceanCasino app houses the casino games; the PlayOcean app houses non-casino games. Since the portal confirms players are of legal gambling age, the split should help keep kids away from those casino-type games. 

OceanCasino has:
*Tipsy Tentacles Slots
*Keno on Deck
*King’s Cruise Lottery

PlayOcean has:
*Word Tangle (a word scramble game)
*Teaser (a trivia game)
*Match (a shape matching game)

PlayOcean is also where you can create a tagalong. Today I got a sneak peek at folks setting up their tagalongs on one of the portal screens down at OceanFront. They are activating the screens during certain hours when OceanFront is open. Be sure to stop by and check it out!

Update to the update: Before dinner a PlayOcean screen came alive for me by the forward elevators on the Lido Deck.

Ocean Now shows what is happening around the ship.
It gave me the option to create my tagalong. It prompted me to place the Medallion on the sensor to access my account.
It also allowed me to choose from the games.
Here's a look at Word Tangle.
 And Teaser.
 And Match.

Want to see the progression of the roll-out? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. Check out how we got here:
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

September 15
As I get ready to wrap-up my coverage of the Medallion roll-out, I thought I’d mention those important things to know for those folks getting ready to join the ship for the next cruise. (Hello to the big group of my blog readers joining September 18!)

  • All decks are Medallion decks so you will receive your Medallion at check-in. 
  • MedallionPay™ points are in the shops and bars. You simply place your Medallion on the sensor and it accesses your account. 
  • When gambling in the casino, you place your Medallion up against the sensor to activate your account information and player bank.
  • Currently, upon embarkation, disembarkation, and at muster drill your cruise card is being scanned twice. You first tap it on a Medallion device where a crew member confirms it is you on a tablet. Then the second time is the usual scanning with the crew member again confirming your photo. This will be changing very soon, possibly with the next cruise. There will only be one tap, the one on the Medallion device. 
  • As long as you have your Medallion with you, your cabin door will automatically unlock when you approach it. 
  • There are portal screens around the ship with Medallion sensors. Right now if you place your Medallion up against it, the sensor turns from blue to green but nothing happens to the screen. These screens will be activated soon, perhaps as soon as the next voyage.
  • The free MedallionNet offering for Platinum and Elite loyalty members is for a limited time only and may (or may not) be ending this cruise. 
  • If you have any questions about the use of the Medallion or problems with it not working, Ocean Front is the place to go. Ocean Front is on Deck 7 aft, between the photo gallery and Club Fusion. This is also where the accessories (not yet on sale) are on display. Staff members called Navigators are stationed at Ocean Front to help with Medallion-related issues. The hours available are posted on a screen there. You can also find Ocean Front hours posted near the excursion desk on Deck 6 forward.

Want to see the progression of the roll-out? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. Check out how we got here:
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

September 14
I did some wandering down in the Ocean Front area of Deck 7...
and came across the Ocean Casino games portals showing off for me. Tipsy Tentacles Slots™ was offline. 
 But as soon as I got closer the screen started showing off for me.

So then I saw Keno on Deck™ offline.
As I approached it showed off for me, too.

And King's Cruise Lottery™ was offline. And did not show off for me.
All of these games can be found on various portals around the ship. They are not yet activated (just in the show off mode, I guess!) but they will be ready to go soon.

They are also part of the Ocean Casino app that is available for download. 

September 13
I again visited Ocean Front on Deck 7. This is where the Navigators, the folks who can answer Medallion questions, are located. It is also where the accessories are on display. They've added the color-coded Medallions to the little plastic sleeves. They look sharp. 
They've also added Coming Soon signs to all the accessories.
And have their hours posted for the entire cruise.

September 12
I saw something new yesterday when going ashore in St. Thomas. I saw it again today when going ashore in San Juan so I know it wasn't just a fluke. Along with getting our card scanned we are still tapping our cruise card on a Medallion device. But today the Medallion-like device doesn’t look like this one from the first day. Remember the one I found out I wasn't supposed to be taking a picture of?

Now, it’s more of a Medallion sensor looking something a bit similar to this. I didn’t take a photo of the actual sensor because as I learned earlier, no photos are allowed. (It’s a security issue.) We are currently still using our cruise cards to tap even this Medallion-type device when embarking and disembarking the ship.

Something else I’ve learned this week is about the OceanView app in the coming soon section.

The other day I shared that the OceanView programming is on our TVs in the stateroom. They are TV series like Ocean Treks with Jeff Corwin, The Voyager with Josh Garcia and Vacation Creation. I also shared there is an app that will soon be available for download.

It's my understanding this OceanView app will allow you to watch the programs at home on a Roku, Amazon Fire TV or Apple TV. But I found out you can also stream the content on your device. I’ve watched some of the shows and they kind of get you in the mood for cruising. Might be a good way to get the cruise itch scratched when you are stuck at home.

September 11

  • There is a lot of buzz about the new accessories for the Medallion. From what I understand they are working on getting feedback from passengers about the different versions they have on display. Again, pricing is not confirmed and the accessories are currently not for sale
  • Last night I got a preview of some of the upcoming Ocean Casino ™ games and features. These will be available to play in practice mode when in port and for wagering when in international waters. These can be played at portals around the ship or on your own device. There will even be new portals installed in a location you wouldn’t expect. Construction will start soon so if you’re on the ship in the next few weeks you’ll know where I’m talking about. As the portals are activated in the coming weeks I’ll share more details.
  • These past few days we’ve had a film crew on board making videos around the Medallion features. Can’t wait to see what they have to show us.
  • I know I mention it quite a bit, but MedallionNet™ continues to amaze me with the speed and reliability. The free period for Platinum and Elite passengers will be going away soon, but when it does I’m more than happy to pay for the $9.99 a day package. It’s a bargain for someone like me who needs to upload blog postings and photos and videos while on the ship. I still don’t know how I’m going to make it with our three ship hop coming up in another month. The internet on Crown Princess, Royal Princess, and Grand Princess will make me feel like I’m back in the olden days of dial up.
  • One thing about having the Medallion displays panels near the cabin is that we no longer have mailboxes on the wall. I’ve been told there are plans to put some back up in the future. When that happens it will certainly be easier for the stewards and passengers. Right now cabin stewards have to put the papers in the door handle or slide them under the door. (The one I made for the door has been working great and hasn’t been stolen yet. Yay!)

Want to see the progression of the roll-out? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. Check out how we got here:
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

September 10
I feel like each day I make a new discovery. Today I made another visit down to Ocean Front, the area on Deck 7 just aft of the photo gallery, where some of the Navigators are stationed. If you want to know more about the Medallion, this is the place to be. They have set hours on sea days and port days. With today being a sea day they are there from 9-noon, 3-5, and 7-9.  You’ll find staff available to answer questions and show you some of the accessories that will be for sale. They aren’t for sale yet, but I ran across some new things that I didn’t see the other day.

What about a necklace that will hold your Medallion while on the ship and additional inserts you can use when at home?

Or even one with a bit more pizazz? 

When the Regal Princess first started rolling out the Medallions, there were complaints about the sports bands not staying secure. They’ve worked on solving that issue by adding an additional strap on the end of the band. See the difference? On the left is the new one; on the right is the old one.

What about a Medallion color-coded to your loyalty level?

They also had some new bracelets.

Again, they aren’t yet for sale but from the conversation I hear and the emails I’m getting, it seems passengers are getting excited about seeing them available soon.

I also came across an insulated water bottle and a tshirt.

They also had a travel journal with lines for writing as well as a place to note the weather.

Who knows what new discovery I’ll have tomorrow!

Want to see the progression of the roll-out? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. Check out how we got here:
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

September 9, 2018
A couple updates from around the ship:
*The Ocean Front screen across from the shore excursion desk now has the times they will be open during each day of the cruise. It certainly helps to know ahead of time when folks will be around for excursion assistance.

*Ocean Front on Deck 7 has a MedallionPay spot even.

They also have a new brochure there on how to access MedallionWeb. When I’ve been around it seems it is what most people have questions about. 

Now some device updates:
There are several Ocean things popping up when logging into your device. 

I've done some screen captures for you.The Ocean Concierge is where you find the electronic version of the Patter, your stateroom account, where you can book excursions, locations and times around the ship, and much more. This is something we’ve been able to access for years on Princess ships but it seems it’s been renamed from whatever it was being called before. This information does not require a download. 

The other icons are apps needing to be downloaded. 

Play Ocean is where you create your tagalong.
You first create an account and then choose your interests. I didn’t see anything that stuck out for me. Where are the reading, writing, and relaxing choices? (Having relaxation tied to the spa doesn't count. And books? Does that mean a book to buy or a book club?) I didn’t go beyond that screen.

Ocean Casino is a downloaded app that will let you play the casino games. I tried logging into it here on ship but after the password screen it denied me access. 

While it was available for download, maybe it’s not functional yet once on the ship? I’m sure I had downloaded and played it at home before.

There are some other options coming soon. OceanView programming is on our TVs in the stateroom. They are TV series like Ocean Treks with Jeff Corwin, The Voyager with Josh Garcia and Vacation Creation. It's my understanding this OceanView app will allow you to watch the programs at home on a Roku, Amazon Fire TV or Apple TV.

I believe the OceanNow one is where you can use your device to order drinks from wherever you are around the ship. And OceanCompass may help you find the rest of your group on the ship? I'll work out finding out more on these "coming soon" apps.

Want to see the progression of the roll-out? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. Check out how we got here:
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

September 8, 2018
We have some new and exciting things happening around this ship today.

Starting this cruise all decks are now officially Medallion decks. Woo hoo!

There were three informational sessions held in Explorers Lounge today so no matter what time passengers arrived on the ship they had an opportunity to sit in on one. I sat outside and listened to two sessions and attended the third. Had to listen to Jan Swartz! While sitting outside the two sessions I listened to folks talking and asking questions as  they were leaving. Most of the questions appeared to be internet-related. Platinum and Elite passengers are sure excited about the unlimited, super-fast wi-fi that is available free for this cruise. There were a couple passengers who appeared to have mixed up the Medallions. The writing on the Medallions is pretty small. During check in passengers who were checking in together grabbed the Medallions that were handed to them without checking that the name on the Medallion was their name. It sounded like an easy fix to have the cruise card attached to the right Medallion, but if you are sailing soon and receive a Medallion at check-in, double check to see if the one you are grabbing is your own.

Ocean Front, the area between the photo gallery and Club Fusion on Deck 7 went live today. Here's the picture from the other day. It's a nice, bright space.
Korli, the lead Navigator (Navigators are staff members who help with Medallion-related things) has a team working with her in the area. I was there today and they were really busy. 

The accessories aren't for sale yet. I heard some price points last night but I haven't confirmed them so I'll hold off a bit before sharing that info. You know me, I'm a Joe Friday, just-the-facts-m'am kind of m'am. I did get to take a closer look at one of the clips that will be for sale. When I looked at them in the display case I thought they just slipped onto your clothing.
Actually, they clip on. (Guess that's why they're called clips!)
A neat, secure, and discreet way to keep your Medallion on you.

One thing I keep forgetting to mention with MedallionNet is about airplane mode. It's always good practice to make your last minute calls before muster drill and then put your phone in airplane mode. Now with the unlimited internet it has to be in airplane mode to work. Hopefully with more people using airplane-mode MedallionNet there will be fewer people with outrageous phone bills.

And one more thing... a few times on this trip we've had something weird happening with the cabin door. My Medallion would be on my nightstand and hubby's would be on his. But we could hear the door unlock, lock, unlock, lock. It would do it several times over. I asked someone about it yesterday and he told me it had to do with the door itself, not the Medallion. He said to open the door and re shut it and it would stop it. Well, he was right. We opened the door and shut it and it didn't do it again. I guess it has to do with whether the door is absolutely, positively, completely shut. Be sure to close the door tight to prevent it from occurring.

Again, a big thanks to those of you who have been open and willing to answer questions around the Medallion roll-out. I couldn't do these updates without you!

Want to see the progression of the roll-out? I started on Caribbean Princess back on August 18. Check out how we got here:
August 18-25 updates can be found here.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Caribbean Princess Sea Day, Sept 7

Today's post is a hodgepodge of random thoughts. I hope you don't mind.
Another pretty sunrise
While we've been having some spectacular sunrises and sunsets this entire trip, we've also had spectacular thunderstorms. I think we have sat on the balcony every single night and watched lightning off in the distance. We did have a couple nights where it was right on top of us where we had to watch from inside. Looking at the hurricane forecast for the next couple weeks makes me think we'll be seen plenty more storms. And be either skipping or substituting ports. I know passengers get frustrated at having to cancel pre-booked excursions, but I'd rather be in a safe location that facing high winds and huge waves.

We trust Gru to get us through it. Yes our Captain's name is Marco, but he sounds like Gru from Despicable Me. Seriously, he really does. When the noontime navigational update comes on each day we are just waiting for him to call us minions instead of passengers. Word has it that he actually has stuffed minions up on the Bridge. He's a good guy, though.

Have I mentioned how great a cabin steward we have? Yesterday he let me film him making towels animals and today I shared the video with him. He is so excited to show it to his wife and six year old son back at home. I'll be posting the video on the next Tutorial Tuesday on September 11 so you can see it, too.

Remember how hubby accidentally locked me on the balcony a while back? Well, guess what happened again today? Yup. He (accidentally) did it again. This is our last cruise with the balcony as we go to an inside cabin for next cruise. Probably a good thing. 

Since we're changing cabins this next cruise we just have a little bit of packing to do. We get to leave everything on their hangers and then we just toss the other stuff in the suitcase. Tomorrow morning the cabin steward will arrange for his supervisor to get things moved for us. We'll keep the things from the safe with us but otherwise they take care of us. Never had a problem so far. 

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. Today I'm sharing some of those things I didn't yet write about this week.

You can find the post here on the Sept 1-8 update page.
August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here.

Encouraging Word Money Pocket Drop Off:
I haven't decided where I'm going to place it yet. After being locked on the balcony for the second time this trip the message might be for me.

Tomorrow is turnaround day, an early morning Walgreens run, a new cabin change, and another Medallion meeting. Should be a good day.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Caribbean Princess Sea Day, Sept 6

As kids hubby and I both grew up in poverty. Food stamps and all. Life is never easy and you never think there is a way out. But education was our way. College and careers. It still wasn't big money - public school teachers in Idaho didn't make that much but it was better than we'd had before. Growing up poor, cruising is something we never ever considered being a part of our future lives. Then after 20 years of marriage (and saving) we were looking for a way to celebrate our anniversary in a big way. It was going to be a once-in-a-lifetime trip. A cruise. Seven days roundtrip from Seattle to Alaska on the Diamond Princess. Somehow that once in a lifetime trip turned into something we fell in love with. For us, getting to go again and again (and again) is nothing short of miraculous.

And if not for the Love Boat we probably wouldn't have ever started. As a kid, watching Captain Stubing and Julie McCoy and Doc and Gopher and Isaac each week (and let's not forgot all the tv and movie stars showing up each week) made me think there was another life out there. Granted, not one I would ever live, but it was out there.

So it was quite surprising when we booked this cruise last minute and received an email about who would be onboard. We hadn't seen any activities listed in the Patter about him yet. But he showed up today.

We watched his biography in the Princess Theater and then stayed for the Q & A session. He told touching stories of his life. He also had a book signing and photo opp session, but the crowd was from Wheelhouse all the way to Club Fusion so we didn't stand in line.

Listening to him tell stories about Marion Ross and Mary Tyler Moore and the filming of the Love Boat was enough. It definitely was a how did I get this life? kind of moment for me.

Who is that special guest we have joining us? None other than Captain Stubing, Gavin MacLeod.

That was pretty much the highlight of the day.

Coming in second was getting a look at the new accessories for the Medallions. The case in the Ocean Front area off the photo gallery is full of them. Click the link under the Medallion™ Update section below to see the pictures.

Getting the disembarkation paperwork and luggage tags came in a close third. Not because we're excited to put them on our suitcase, but because we were excited to not need them. Yeah, we called yet another audible and decided to stay for one more cruise. (If you're counting, that makes four back-to-back cruises.) By the time we leave this ship we will have had 31 days here. Yay! Or as hubby likes to say, "Booyah!" (Whatever that means.)

The sunrise has to be on the list somewhere. It had to be a good day when the sunrise might be the fourth best thing of the day.

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. Today we're talking about the new Medallion accessories. 

 You can find the post here on the Sept 1-8 update page.
August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here.

Encouraging Word Money Pocket Drop Off:
Restroom behind the buffet.

One more sea day tomorrow as we head our way back to Fort Lauderdale.
As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Caribbean Princess in St. Maarten

Today was the umpteenth perfect day in St. Maarten. Just like last week - Here's the recap of that day. Actually, today was perfect up until the point we tried to get a taxi back to the ship.

The drinks were again good at the Bikini Bar on Orient Beach.
 They had raked the sea grass so there were paths to get to the water.
While the beach was busier than last week it still wasn't crowded.

Even when the afternoon winds and tide brought in more sea grass and I decided to stop going into the water, it was still a great day.

Great until the taxi driver approached us as we were ready to leave. 

We've visited many Caribbean islands and many places in Mexico and have seen taxi drivers being pretty darn aggressive with cruise ship passengers. I get that drivers have to hustle to get tourist dollars but they don't have to flat out hustle passengers to get the dollars. We recognize when people are being scammed and we had a driver today trying to scam us. (Hubby called it a shakedown.) Most tourists would believe him, follow him, and pay him. But we weren't having any of it. While we made it back to the ship in plenty of time (after finally getting a different driver) the entire experience made us just not want to go back again. We'll see. 

Tonight we have the Most Traveled Guest Cocktail Party up in Skywalkers. The 40 passengers on the ship with the most days on Princess Cruises are invited to this. Sometimes it's a party, sometimes a luncheon, sometimes a brunch. We just barely made the cut this cruise. In fact, one of those invited couldn't make it so we were next on the list. So technically we were #41 on the ship. So I'm guessing the  number of days cutoff was in the mid 400s. I may or may not take food pics. If so, I'll add them here later tonight.

Update to Most Traveled Party: No food pics, but look what was on my side of the bed when we came back to the cabin - compliments of our cabin steward who has been teaching me how to make towel animals.

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. Today I'm addressing a few of the questions and comments you've been sending my way.

You can find the post here on the Sept 1-8 update page.
August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here.

Encouraging Word Money Pocket Drop Off:
In the restroom at Bikini Bar.

We've got two sea days in a row coming up.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Caribbean Princess in St. Thomas

7:30 am - pack the snorkel bag
8:00 am - go to the Future Cruise Consultant office to book something
8:20 am - pick up hubby from the International Cafe
8:30 am - walk off the ship to grab a taxi 
9:00 am - catch the ferry from Red Hook to St. John
Eat breakfast at the Cruz Bay Landing restaurant in St. John. Get a taxi for an island tour. Stop at Trunk Bay for a few hours of sunning and swimming and snorkeling.
3:00 pm - catch the ferry back to Red Hook and grab a taxi back to the ship.

Not being able to stop in Princess Cays because of the hurricane allowed us a full day on St. Thomas. Which meant we should have had a nice chunk of time on St. John. But you know us, things don't always go as planned.

When I went down to International Cafe this morning to pick up hubby up on the way off the ship I found him in a bit of pain. He had wrenched his back and couldn't hardly move. Couldn't hardly talk because of the pain and barely could get out of the chair. Poor guy.

So instead of an 8:30 walk off the ship time we took the elevator back to the cabin and he wound up with an 8:30 stretch and heat compress and massage time. Finally by 11:00 he thought he might want to take the short walk to the Smoking Rooster for a couple of glasses of sangria to dull the pain. He thought after those then he'd really be ready to go. We were at the Smoking Rooster a couple weeks back so he knows what the drinks can do. Here's the recap of that visit.

But today two glasses of sangria turned into three. And three turned into four. Of course I kept up with his number of drinks, just with the Mai Tais and a new drink, a Blue Parrot Tail. 

And 11:00 turned into 3:00, just like that. We talked to the server who waited on us just a couple weeks ago. We love hearing people's stories! We talked to the guys smoking the meats. Don't tell anyone, but the guys cut off the end of one of the racks of ribs as they were pulling them out of the smoker and gave them to us. Oh. My. Goodness.
We shared an Italian Beef sandwich and decided we had to call it a day. We headed back to the ship and hubby went to take a nap and I went right to the spa pool and stripped. Thank goodness I still had my swimsuit on, right? I floated a bit then plopped myself into one of the comfy loungers and proceeded to fall fast asleep.

It was not what we planned for the day but it still wound up being the umpteenth perfect day.

Here's the Smoking Rooster menu, just in case you're ever in St. Thomas.

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. Today we're talking about the information on the current cruise cards versus the Medallion.

You can find the post here on the Sept 1-8 update page.
August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here.

Encouraging Word Money Pocket Drop Off: Left at the Smoking Rooster. 

Tomorrow we're in St. Maarten. If hubby's back holds out we're heading back to Orient Beach for the day and have the Most Traveled Guest Party tomorrow night. Should be a full day.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

How to Fold an Origami Cruise Ship - Tutorial Tuesday

It's Tutorial Tuesday and I have a cruise-themed project for you. If you're looking for a project using only one supply, check it out.

One single dollar bill and the directions in this video (which was filmed last week off the coast of Belize) will have you coming away with a little origami cruise ship.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Planks and Steamers on Caribbean Princess

We fought it as long as we could. 

When we boarded the ship over two weeks ago our plan was to walk off after three weeks with no balance due. We booked these super-cheap cruises so late that we didn't have any promotions tied to the bookings. But we did have some of the onboard credit that comes with future cruise deposits, a small amount of additional bonus onboard credit, and the $100 loyalty credit per cruise segment. It was all enough to cover the gratuities for both of us for three weeks. Plus a couple shirts for hubby at the 2 for $20 t-shirt sale. No drinks, no other shopping, and no specialty dining would ensure we walked away from the ship with no charges.

But these Planks and Steamers restaurants have been peaking our interest. Then Vickie and Bernie from were on the ship a couple weeks ago and talked about Planks and Steamers. She had written about their visit on her blog, too. So we finally took the plunge tonight and paid a whopping $12 each for our meal. Boy, it was a bargain for the amount of food we received. And the flavor? Yummy yum yum.

We ate on the Planks side but they allowed us to mix and match from the two restaurants. Here's what we got for $24 total.

Welcome starters from the Planks side: Chipotle BBQ meatballs and honey and bacon-cheddar cornbread with jalapeno-honey butter and pimento cheese

From Steamers: Tomato-Lime Ceviche with breads and sun-dried tomato-cream cheese and smoked salmon spread
Look at the bacon in that cornbread.
Next up, appetizers. We chose both from the Steamers side.
Caesar Salad and Clam and Smoked Ham Chowder

Main courses:
From Planks: You can order four different meats. If you want to want to double up on a meat and not choose four different ones, you can. We went with smoked kielbasa, ribs, and a double order of chili-spiced roasted tri-tip. It also came with wedge-cut fries, 3-bean chili, slaw, toast, dill pickles, and two different BBQ sauces.

From Steamers:
We went with the Fried Seafood Platter. It had fried torpedo shrimp, battered haddock, fishcakes, carrot and raisin salad, fries, and tarter sauce, cocktail sauce, and ketchup.

For dessert we went from just the Steamers side. Strawberry shortcake and key lime pie in a jar.

I probably should have taken a picture after we were finished eating. But you probably wouldn't notice we had finished because we left so much food behind. Again, all of this for $24 total!

The highlights of the meal included the jalapeno-honey butter, the Caesar salad (hubby loved the capers on it), the ribs and tri-tip, and the haddock and the shrimp. I think the desserts were a tie for what was the best. So basically everything was delicious.

If you want more detail about our menu items or want to know what else is offered, here are the menus for both places.

I'm totally okay we went over our budget by a whole $24. 

Caribbean Princess Sea Day, September 3, 2018

Hello from the balcony of Caribbean Princess.
Well, it looks like the storm that chased us away from Princess Cays yesterday is now Tropical Storm Gordon and is hitting Florida as we speak. And Tropical Storm Florence is gaining strength as she moves in from the Atlantic. It appears we will be dodging both; although if we decide to stay for one more cruise we may see some impact.

This week is also the one year anniversary of Hurricane Irma hitting the Caribbean. We will visiting two of the islands devastated by her - St. Thomas and St. Maarten - in the next couple days. It's a bit somber for us. We were on both islands before the hurricane and then revisited them two cruises back so we know the destruction that still remains. We also remember visiting New Orleans less than a year after Katrina. It's not easy to start over.

Today was another work day for me. I did take a little break where I learned something new. Towel animals! Our cabin steward was kind enough to show me how to make some so I can turn around and show you in a future Tutorial Tuesday video. I still need some lots of practice before I can show them off but I am pleased with the little doggie I made.

Tonight is formal night and we won't be joining the dressed up folks. We are planning on going to Planks for dinner instead. We'll be wearing the nicest clothes we have with us, which means we will actually wear pants and not shorts for a change. I'll do a separate post when we get back from dinner.

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. Today we're talking about MedallionNet

 You can find the post here on the Sept 1-8 update page.
August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here.

Encouraging Word Money Pocket Drop Off:
Left at Salty Dog Grill.

Tomorrow is St. Thomas. Since we didn't stop in Princess Cays we are arriving earlier than planned. We now will be there from 8:00 am to 9:30 pm. Yay and double yay!

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Caribbean Princess at (NOT) Princess Cays

We had a stormy day and never made it to Princess Cays today. So no snorkeling for me. Boo hoo. But a big plus is that we will be arriving in St. Thomas on Tuesday in the morning instead of the afternoon. Longer is always better! Another plus was that I needed some extra time today to work. And boy, I've been working. Filming and writing and photos around the ship and voiceovers. Other than out to take pictures I've sequestered myself in the cabin. Hubby even brought me breakfast and lunch so I could keep working. I found out that audio recording doesn't work so great in a big metal cruise ship cabin with a hand held tape recorder. Nothing like my professional quality equipment at home. Oh, well.

Only one other thing worth mentioning today. I received a call about a letter I had sent to Princess a couple days back about the gals smoking on the balcony next to us. When I reported it they had sent someone up, but the ladies had their privacy sign out. Princess policy is that if a guest has their privacy sign out, they can't be disturbed - even if they are smoking. I had shared that these gals had their privacy sign out most of the time. (They are the ones who refused to pay gratuities and thought if the steward never entered their cabin they wouldn't have to.) In my letter to Princess, and again on the phone today, I had encouraged them to revisit their privacy sign policy, particularly when passenger safety is as stake. These ladies could smoke every day and nothing done about it because they kept their privacy sign out.

Not long after that call today a bouquet of flowers arrived. Now I don't know if they had to do with the issue or are from someone else - the card just said enjoy the rest of your cruise - but it was a kind gesture either way.

Medallion™ Update:
To make the progression of the roll-out more clear I've grouped the posts by week. 

The Sept 1-8 update page is here.
August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here.

I also did a new video today of updated information.
The one above has hubby in it, but I did one just of him down below. With him being disabled, the Medallion has made his cruise vacation even better. Take a look.

Encouraging Word Money Pocket Drop Off:
In the Piazza.

Another sea day is up tomorrow. Thanks goodness because I've got more work to do.
As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.