Friday, June 10, 2022

Foster Kitten Friday - Bananaaa

As a high school teacher for almost 30 years, my husband has had to tell many a joke to get teenagers interested and engaged in learning. Now that he's retired I'm the one who gets to listen to all his jokes, new and old, funny or not. Sometimes I don't even realize he's attempting to be comedic because what he comes up with requires a bit of thinking to figure out. Take this week for example.

This was the week McKinley and Denali started on gruel. Gruel is a mixture of kitten formula, jarred baby food, and canned cat food and is the beginning of the weaning process. All those every-2-hour 'round the clock feedings are long gone (whew!) and the babes are moving onto some good stuff. 

It starts with bottle feeding the gruel.

McKinley was quite shocked by what came out of the bottle.
Then comes trying to eat it from my finger and then off a spoon.
McKinley's on her way! Denali only watches.
Next up, move the spoon to the saucer.
You go, girl!
Then the food gets a little thicker. And the girl gets a little messier as she steps all up in it...
Yep, all in!
while Denali only continues to look on.
Whatcha doin' sis?
I haven't quite gotten him past the bottled gruel stage yet but he'll get there.
Like my gruel mustache?
 At least he's cleaning up after himself!

All this gruel talk leads back to the teacher/comedian husband of mine. When I'd say the word gruel this week - and it was a lot - he would say:

"I'll be Kevin!"
"Bee-do! Bee-do! Bee-do!"
"I'm Bob!"
Or sing "Ba ba ba ba ba nana, ba ba ba ba ba nana, banannaaaa" 

What the heck do any of these things have to do with gruel? Let's follow hubby's thought process...
Kevin, Bob, and Stuart are all Minions.
Minions say Ba-na-naa and sing a Bananaa song.
One of the other Minions is a firefighter with a megaphone saying saying Bee-do, bee-do, Bee-do.
Minions are in the Minions movie and in Despicable Me. 
Which star a character named Gru.
Gru = Gruel.

Mic drop.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Foster Kitten Friday - Next Door Neighbors

Happy thirty something birthday to my daughter and happy four week birthday to my Alaskan babes, McKinley and Denali! While my daughter enjoyed a carefree birthday week of doing not much of anything, the Alaskan crew did pretty much the complete opposite.

They played on the couch we've turned into a McDonald's PlayPlace. (Remember those?) Blankets and pillows propped up in all kinds of configurations. They've found it's a great place for climbing - and hiding.

While they haven't yet taken to the litter box, they have started to clean themselves. 
Denali hard at work.

They learned nails are great for grabbing onto the bottle.
McKinley thinks I need help directing the bottle to her mouth.

They continued practicing for their future careers with WWE. Or perhaps UFC?

And just like last month...
1 week old Alaskans

they continue to love each other and sleep together. Yep, they've become quite the bonded pair of kittens. 
4 week old Alaskans

But maybe a bit too bonded.

When kittens are orphaned at a young age with no mama to nurse on for hours a day, they may turn to sucking on something else. It could be a blanket, stuffed animal, sleeve of a foster's shirt, or even on another kitten. This week Ms. McKinley has decided her nursing target is Mr. Denali. Specifically his private parts. It can be dangerous to have kitties nursing each other - especially on certain body parts - so an intervention was required.

Along with increasing feedings (for her) and even more lovings (for both of them) this week became one where Denali got his own little outfit to keep his body parts protected. Made from some fleece I had left over from making kitten blankets, it works great. Most of the time. For at some point during the night, despite all the Velcro and holes for his front legs and tail, he wiggles his way out. And she gets back to nursing.
Denali modeling a prototype.

Which has led us to the next door neighbors. Since McKinley only does her deed at night time, the kids have moved next door to each other for those times. In two separate pop up playpens they can see each other and talk to each other as they doze off and wake up, but yet have their own little space. 
Playpen or prison cell? You be the judge.

Inmates Next door neighbors who are very happy to see each other when it's yard time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Make Your Own Mason Jar Wrap - DIY Fabric Heart Candy Jar Idea

If you're looking for a unique sewing or crafting project idea for a heart-themed occasion or need a Valentine's Day candy jar, make your own homemade fabric jar wrap from fabric and batting. This easy sewing project wraps around a glass canning jar and is held in place with an elastic hair tie and button. Easy peasy!

For this project you will need:
Disclosure: Deb's Days is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to affiliated sites. This means that, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you new sewing and crafting content.

Looking for something else? 
Check out some of my other heart-themed or Valentine's Day sewing and crafting projects!

And join us as we make our jar wrap in the step by step tutorial!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Foster Kitten Friday - Summer in Alaska

It was exactly four years ago this week when we stayed outside Talkeetna, Alaska in this cabin.

As I wrote about on the blog that day, we decided to mosey into town to grab some breakfast and ran into this beauty.

That would be Denali. Formally know as Mt. McKinley. Most people who travel to Alaska never get to see the mountain as it is usually shrouded in clouds. But somehow we lucked out.

And this year I've lucked out as well. Although I'm not in Alaska, I still get to see my own Denali and McKinley. 

I get to bottle feed them.
McKinley thinks it's yummy.

I get to teach them how to use the litter box. Denali wants to figure it out, except the boy thinks he's supposed to eat the litter instead.

I get to watch them learn how to wrestle.

And show off their bellies.

And learn how to become mountain climbers.

Yep, lucky me. Clouds or no clouds I get to see McKinley and Denali. Every. Single. Day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Make Your Own Americana Bunting - DIY Patriotic Garland Sewing Project

For today's tutorial we're learning how to make a handmade red, white, and blue Americana heart and star fabric bunting. The American hanging garland is a great way to decorate for the Memorial Day, 4th of July, or any patriotic event. 

For this project you will need:
• Red and white fabric
• Blue fabric
• Fabric for hanging loops
 Iron and ironing board

Disclosure: Deb's Days is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to affiliated sites. This means that, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you new sewing and crafting content.

Looking for other bunting and garlands? Check out some of my other tutorials!
fabric Christmas tree bunting banner

And join us to learn how to make your own homemade patriotic stars and hearts garland!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Foster Kitten Friday - Fast Learners

It was just last week when these little newborn foster kitties with no mama still had their umbilical cords attached and eyes sealed shut. But no more. I think these two little babes might be on their way to becoming valedictorians.

It took them only one week for them to open their eyes and find their voices. And begin to grow teeth.
Denali has some itty bitty teeth in there.
McKinley has got herself a voice. With a capital V.

They also learned about milk mustaches.
Denali likes to flop on his back so I can help him
go to the bathroom before he lets me clean his face.
Look into my eyes and tell me I'm pretty.
They continue to snuggle up day and night,
but when awake have started practicing for their future careers with WWE.

It has been a whirlwind week of growth. Can't wait to see what next week holds!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Learn to Make a Denim Flower Coaster Set - A DIY Sewing Tutorial

Today we're learning how to make our own handmade set of denim fabric flower coasters. Upcycle your blue jeans or use purchased denim to make this round drink coaster set with pinked raw edges. They are an easy homemade way to protect your furniture while decorating your spring or summer home, parties, and get togethers.

round denim flower drink coaster set
For this project you will need:
 Fabric scraps
 Paper-backed fusible web like HeatnBond Lite

Disclosure: Deb's Days is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to affiliated sites. This means that, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Your purchase helps support my work in bringing you new sewing and crafting content.

Looking for other coaster sets you can make at home? Check out some of our other tutorials!

And join us as we make the round denim flower coasters...

Friday, May 13, 2022

Foster Kitten Friday - The Only Day That Matters

Being that I've been working from home these last couple years and am my own boss, I have some flexibility in the hours I work each day. But since I work seven days a week, I lose track of which day is which. A Saturday can feel like a Wednesday and a Friday can feel like a Monday. 

But no more. Because today we are back to celebrating the best day of the week, Foster Kitten Friday. Yep, I have new foster kitties!

Three little ones came to me at just one day old, with umbilical cords still attached. Unfortunately, just like the newborn kittens who joined me back in November, one of my new kittens didn't survive. She quickly fell ill on Mother's Day and there wasn't much to do but keep her warm and love on her and talk to her until she passed. Thankfully her brother - and another kitty from another litter - are both still with us.

So say hello to my little girl, McKinley...

and to my little boy, Denali.

Their eyes are still sealed shut, and at just a week old today they'll continue to be bottle fed for quite some time. Right now we're at every two hours around the clock. Having to wake up so much not only has me confused about what day it is, but I'm starting to get my days and nights confused, too. Come on, three hour feedings!

No matter how little sleep I get, it's going to be worth it. They've put Fridays back on the map and have brought a love fest to our home - and to each other. 
A start of a beautiful friendship.
Happy the-first-of-many Foster Kitten Fridays!