Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 518

Nowadays I think a lot about the emergency run-through they do on airplanes. Particularly the whole secure your own mask before helping others.

Now that we're on Day 14 in the hospital I've tried to get myself into a routine where I'm securing my own mask. Originally I was always at the hospital but that has changed. I'm visiting the hospital two consecutive days and spending the night with my mom and then I go home for one day. Two on, one off.

Even with being home a day, it isn't enough to keep up with things. Unfortunately on my off day I don't have energy to do much of anything other than take it easy. With summer in full swing and gardens and lawns needing attention I'm drowning. I had to absolutely force myself to do something today. It wasn't on my to-do list but I made myself get back into the sewing room. I mindlessly cut out stockings for Stockings for Soldiers.

My hands and arms may be sore tomorrow, but I cut out enough to make 99 stockings.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day 517

When you only eat one meal a day you want that meal to count.

I've still been juicing twice a day, even taking juice with me to the hospital. But at least once a day I have "real" food. The other day it was oh-so-good chicken tacos at Alejandra's, last night it was cube steak and roasted red potatoes at my mom's, and today it was a birthday lunch.

My friend from work - the one who took me out for my birthday last year, the one who I went to the movies/show with last summer, the one whose birthday I forgot in October  - took me out for a belated birthday lunch. I got to choose the place and time.

Red Robin. 12:15. Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich. Need I say more?

Other than yes, I ate it all. And thank you to (you know who you are) for the lunch, the gift card to the fabric store, and the good conversation.