Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 890

I'm glad our daughter came home because we don't like sour cream.

On Day 657 we started an adventure at Alejandra's. An eat-through-the-menu adventure. It's now seven months later and we're getting close to the end. But there is a menu item we skip over again and again.

Enchiladas Blancas. White enchiladas made with sour cream.

It just so happens that daughter's favorite menu item at Alejandra's are those same enchiladas. So we finally got her home and got her to eat those for us. (To keep things honest I had a bite.)

That wasn't the only reason to get her home. It's hubby's birthday and he wanted Number 21, Camarones al Chipotle, again. He got it, she got her enchiladas. And Alejandra's surprised their loyal customer with deep fried ice cream. The taste of that put the German chocolate cake with extra pecans I made to shame.

Happy birthday, Ed!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 889

As we pulled in the driveway tonight I spotted something down the road. Something I have been wanting to find for a couple years now. Something that was the cutest thing I'd seen in a long time. Thank goodness kiddo was with us - she grabbed my camera and walked down the road just a bit for this special picture.

Those baby quail are so teeny tiny!