Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 892

When hubby starts school Monday things will change. The biggie probably be dinner. He's been the chef around the house these last few weeks and I've been getting spoiled. He always makes sure he cooks something I'm interested in eating. Sometimes he'll add some type of side dish, or a condiment, or some sauce just for him - something special that fits his weird taste.

Like the apple cider sauerkraut. When we were in Leavenworth last month we ran across a restaurant that served cabbage cooked in apple cider. He fell in love with it and has been anxious to make his own batch. So when he decided we would have grilled sausages for dinner tonight, guess what he also made? He again loved it. And no, I did not try it.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 891

If you've been a reader for a while you know one of my passions is sewing and quilting for charities.

Turtle Pillows for Paul Newman's Hole in the Wall Camp.
Stockings for Soldiers.
Quilts for children of servicemen and women.

Usually the quilts are for kids who have parents away fighting some war somewhere around the world. While I know who I'm making the quilt for, I don't usually know much about the families. (Remember back on Day 497 when I got to personally present quilts to kids when I went to Anchorage? That was certainly special.) But today's quilt is special, too. It's for a soldier's niece. She's been growing up with her uncle being a big part of her life, developed a very close bond with him, and loves him as much as anyone could. But she misses her uncle, the soldier, dearly.

When the military base in Alaska contacted me about the possibility of making this special quilt for a special little girl I was honored to be part of it.  I hope the bright colors and vivid pictures hold her uncle - the one who was killed on Christmas Day - close to her heart.