Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 946

A lady coming down with a chest cold. Vacationing at 6000+ feet. Only one lung working. The combination of the three made me spend the entire day in this room, mostly in the bed sleeping. Not the best way to start a trip. But at least I get to stay in my dreamy one-room cabin.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 945

As I was driving last evening looking at the beautiful sunset and the clouds with the orange and pink tint to them, I was thinking about my suck the marrow and I choose joy beliefs.

I realized I have a dream life.

I have people who care about me and support me, I have a paid-work life and a non-paid charity work (sewing) life that I truly enjoy. When we have time off we get to travel and with the assistance of my scooter I've been able to experience new places. We have a too-big-for-us house which we plan on selling in the next few years and have a much tinier place, closer to kiddo, already purchased.

2 bedroom, 2 bath. Not exactly as tiny as I thought it should be, though. I wanted to sell everything off and live in a one room cabin. In hindsight, I'm glad we didn't go that small. These next few days will be a test to see if that one room would have worked.

We have a couple days off from school and tack that onto the weekend and we've taken a little jaunt to another state. To stay in a one room cabin.