Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Make Homemade Fabric Valentine's Day Cards - Tutorial Tuesday

Learn how to make your own handmade Valentine's Day cards from your scrap fabrics!

Handmade Valentine's Day Card from Fabric Scraps Craft Project

In the spirit of simplicity I've started 2019 by sharing some of my simple projects from the past years. Next week we'll be into February and I'll have all new videos for you. But since it is still my simple January and Valentine's Day is coming up in a couple weeks it might be a good time to reshare this video.

For this project you will need:
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Find the how to video for making these fabric scrap handmade Valentine's Day note cards project right here:

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sewing for Good Sunday

I have to confess.

Sewing for Good Sundays are turning into Sewing for Good Sundays and Mondays and Tuesdays and even Sewing for Good Wednesdays. Once I get started I just can't stop sewing!

Today I finished piecing together three more quilts tops for the Quilts for Kids organization.

Add those to these others I put together this month:

And I now have eight quilt tops done. And I'm not finished yet. I used up some of the scraps to make scrappy blocks:
I'm also working on some other blocks (not pictured). Whew. I just might be sorry I'm doing so many tops at once. While I can just zip through putting them together, once I hit the cutting batting and backing stage and then the quilting stage things will slow way down. And I'll probably feel more like the turtle than the rabbit.