Friday, December 31, 2021

Foster Kitten Friday - The Hoarders Edition

I've never been much of a TV watcher. I'm not even sure I could switch between regular television and Sling TV without asking hubby which button (buttons?) to press. But when I hid away in a cabin a couple months back and worked, worked, worked I allowed myself one vice late at night when I was done with my tasks for the day.

Hoarders. The TV series, that is.

Anyone who knows me know I'm extremely organized and live with a minimal amount of possessions. How and why I started watching Hoarders while tucked away in a cabin is anyone's guess. But I did - and I still am. Every evening you'll find me knocking out at least a couple episodes to get through all 13 seasons worth. 

But some days, thanks to Hans Solo, I feel like I'm living in an episode of Hoarders myself. Little guy has made it his goal to take so many things we give him to play with - empty boxes, crinkly paper, cat toys and makeshift cat toys - and drag them to corner of the room alongside his cat tree. Check it out:

And that's not everything. Just outside the picture frame there are a half dozen more things he's dragged into his space. 

So you tell me, hoarder or cutie pie? You can be the judge.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Foster Kitten Friday - The Christmas Eve Edition

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house 
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were...

Heck, who am I kidding? Just like Christmas last year, I have little creatures who are definitely stirring in my house. This year it's just one creature but he is absolutely, definitely, positively stirring. And running and jumping and climbing.

Little Mr. Hans Solo spent this week turning from my sweet bottle baby kitten into a rough and tumble 8 week old kitten. With no other siblings in the house to keep him entertained and busy, it's important for this foster mom to provide additional activity and stimulating play. It's also important to make sure he picks up good play habits and not bad ones so a lot of this week was spent redirecting the play time. 

Which means we spent this entire week working on running through the house, jumping up and down on and off of furniture, hiding and pouncing, wrestling with stuffed animals, and playing with toys. Lots and lots of toys. 

Who knew proper play could be so exhausting?! (For this adult, at least. I think Hans Solo thought differently.)
Is this how you play peek-a-boo?
It's my toy and I can play with it
in the sun if I want to.
Told you! It's my toy and I can take it wherever I want to.
Turtle wrestling is a thing, I tell ya.
Excuse me, I need to get to the top of the recliner. 
Can't the picture wait?
Did I do something wrong?
Don't these fish swim any faster? I'm in a hurry.
Places to go, people to see, things to do!
Merry Christmas from foster kitten Hans Solo, 
his foster mom, and the foster mom's human daughter