Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 677

I'm not one who cares much about what the neighbors do or have. But there has been this skull sitting across the fence that I see every time I look out my sewing room window. I never paid much attention to it until today.

Something intrigued me about the snow coming down - and continuing to pile up - on a skull that sits on top of a barbecue.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 676

I feel good about the progress I made on a new charity quilt today. This one will be for the Marsing Disaster Auction next month.

Now, if I can just get my helper to turn the machine on and off for me...

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 675

For someone who is trying to simplify things I sure am complicating them. Take the snowmen for example.

I made a quilt that I adore on Day 622. It's now hanging on our living room wall.
We figured since we had a quilt that we could keep up for the winter, we might as well make matching throw pillows for the couch. That happened on Day 641.

And now, here comes a table runner for the coffee table. I think I better stop before this  really gets out of control.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 674

While I'm thankful for the steroids working - my pain and stiffness has subsided greatly - I'm not thankful for the side effects. Headaches, anxiety, high blood pressure, an always-on-edge feeling, and the weight gain. Especially the weight gain. As I look in the mirror I see a big ole' balloon. A big balloon body and the beginnings of the steroid-looking face, all round and pudgy. It is getting so I won't even look in the mirror anymore. But I'm thankful for the temporary relief the joints are getting.

I thought when I went to the rheumatologist he might take me off the hard-on-my-body drugs, but it appears I'll be continuing them for at least another month. He also broke the unfortunate news that the disease - rheumatoid arthritis - is running rampant and needs to be controlled.  That it's time to start back on the chemotherapy drug and it's time for another attempt at insurance approval for the infusion IV drug. Dang it. Dang it for the test results, too. Another mess of abnormal tests and a sky-high, higher than ever inflammation test.

But I'm still thankful. Thankful I can now get out of bed in the morning and do things. Things like take early morning pictures in the one degree weather. Beautiful, icy pictures. I feel so lucky to be able to take pictures like these.

What looks like snow is really ice crystals. Moisture in the air freezing to trees.

In this picture, what looks like white dots in the tree are where the sun is reflecting off the ice crystals at just the right angle.