Friday, December 4, 2020

Foster Kitten Friday

Hello from the Wild West Gang Wild West Circus! Yep, nothing but a three ring (or maybe five ring) circus happening in this foster kitty household this week.

Ringmaster Mama Kate led the bunch. But now she's gone off to surgery today and will be up for adoption next week. Before she left she made sure she finished her mama duties.

She just about finished her weaning duties.
And then she had some fun. In the evenings she would chase the babies around the house and they'd chase her back. Around and around and around. It was nice seeing mama getting to be a cat again. Although why she would end the evening on her back with her feet in the air - under the folding chair - I'll never know. Calamity Jane sure took advantage of it.
Mama Kate also found a new hiding spot from the babes. On a dining room chair where they couldn't reach her. Smart mama.
One of Mama Kate's circus acts was Wild Bill. Don't let the cute little face deceive you. He found himself in all kinds of trouble this week. 
Climbing on top of the playpens to get to the humidifier? Yep. This photo was taken after he was already shooed off the top of it. Where he was sitting like he owned it.
Ipad case chewer? Yup.
Who would put a toy in the food bowl and then knock the food all over the floor? Wild Bill, of course.
He also decided to make a visit to the circus concession stand for some pizza. None for you, buddy.

Then we had cutie patootie Annie Oakley. Again, don't let the cute little face fool you.

I thought I misplaced my camera this week. I usually keep it on the end table so it's on hand to snap cute little kitty cat pictures. But it wasn't there. I looked everywhere I could think of and it didn't turn up. It was a long shot, but I decided to look under the recliner. Guess we have a pickpocket at the circus.

Camera? Check.

Toys? Check.

Annie Oakley? Check. 

Looks pretty guilty!

Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!

We also had one of our circus acts out sick this week. Ms. Calamity Jane couldn't keep anything down. Or anything in. She started losing weight and wouldn't eat and drink and either stayed with mama Kate or just curled up and slept. 

Poor sick girl
We had one very long night where I had to try and get fluids in her every hour even though she really didn't want them. The all nighter was followed up by a trip back to Simply Cats for some IV fluids and anti-nausea medicine. It was enough jump start her recovery, and by the end of the week she was raring to go.

Then there is Wyatt Earp. What can we say about this little fellow? Well, he still can't use the litter box here at the circus. But otherwise he is doing great - and gaining weight nicely!

Check out this week's video to see the progress he's made. With no back feet, he's sure making good use of those little front ones.

It may be a circus around here most days, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Foster Kitten Friday

Hello from the Wild West! We're onto week 6ish with these little beauties. This has been the week the personalities have come out.

Mama Kate is one chill cat. When she's not feeding or sleeping, she likes being held and loved on. She thinks laps are just okay, but pick her up and hold her and love on her? She's in heaven. But when it's feeding time she makes a unique meow to signal to the babies that the buffet is open. The babes jump into action and head her way. If she's asleep and she hears one of the babies crying she'll head their way instead. She has her job down pat.

The buffet is open!
Mama and Wyatt just chillin'

Annie Oakley is quite the spunky little gal. She's a tortoiseshell cat and she lives up to the reputation of the torties. Independent, sassy, and ready to tackle the world. Annie is a big ball of soft fluffy fur and when she slows down she'll let ya love on her. But those slow times are few and far between.

I'm sassy and I know it.

Her sister Calamity Jane isn't a calamity at all but just another chill cat like mama. She's a lover of laps and a lover of the camera. Can you tell?

Their brother Wild Bill definitely does live up to his name. He's the first one to do everything, including finding places to hide where he shouldn't and getting into things he shouldn't. But he too is a lovey dovey and will head to my lap just like his sister CJ (Calamity Jane).

Someone is getting very sleepy.

Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!

And then we have Wyatt. He's looking so much healthier and he's taking more risks and getting more confident each day. I'm just so darn proud of the little guy. 

I again have a video dedicated just to him and the progress he made this week as he learned to make his way in the world with no back paws. Be sure to check it out below.

See you next Friday for another update on the Wild West Gang!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Foster Kitten Friday

It has been another wild week in the Wild West Foster household. Actually, now that I think about it, it hasn't been so wild. Mama Kate is a chill cat and is setting the tone for the house. Babies want to eat? Play? Clean? All at the same time? She's up for it.

She doesn't even mind too much when they choose a saucer of gruel over her. Break time for Mama!
But like all kitties, they are wildly playful. Where last week most of their play was wrestling, this week they've progressed to the climbing and jumping phase. And, of course, the cute phase.
Wild Bill
Calamity Jane
Annie Oakley
Wyatt Earp

Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!

It has been a fun week with all of them. I again have a video on Wyatt, the little guy missing his two back paws. He's been working on exploring his space this week, so be sure to check out his adventures.

See you back here again next week for another Foster Friday!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Foster Kitten Friday

I've got some new foster kitties!!! (Can you hear the excitement in my voice?) We're calling this group the Wild West Gang.

We have the beautiful Mama Kate.
Mama Kate brought four little four week old babies along with her. We have little Miss Calamity Jane.
Miss Annie Oakley
Mr. Wild Bill
And a special little guy, Mr. Wyatt Earp. Do you notice anything unsual about this little fella? More about him in just a bit.

Nursing mama cats are fun to have around. If you take good care of mama, she takes good care of the babies. And boy, is Kate a sweet gal. She loves people loving and loves her little kitties. But like mamas with babies this old, she needs some alone time. It has taken some trial and error but we finally found the perfect configuration for her (and the kitties) happiness.

The two connected popup pens with one top open + an old TV tray butted up right against the opening = happy mama and babies. She can keep a close eye on them...
and make a quick entry and exit when needed. The babies aren't yet able to climb up the mesh sides so she can keep them corralled, feed and clean them when she needs to, and still get her privacy. Go Mama Kate!
We don't keep them corralled all day, though. Like all babies before them, they get supervised play on the couch. The only difference is I have an additional playground supervisor on duty.
The kids are quite the lively and cute bunch. I mean, just look at those faces! We started them on gruel this week so they are a bit messy. But still cute!

Want to help contribute to the work I do with foster kittens? I have an Amazon wish list right here. These are the things I use again and again, year after year. With daily laundry and frequent cleaning, items have to be replaced often. I’d love anything you’d be willing to send my way!

Now let's get back to Wyatt. If you noticed in his picture, Wyatt was born without any back paws. Now there's a special guy for ya! So special and so important I felt it best to show him off - and document his progress over these next few weeks - in videos. Take a look at this week's introductory video to see this little guy in action.

Sweet, right? I can't wait to see what next week holds. Be sure to come on back next Friday for more photos and another Wyatt video. Happy Foster Friday!