Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 392

Day in, day out, every day has been the same. Hubby home, juicing, biking, sewing. One day is rolling over into the other. Never leaving the house. Nowhere to go and nothing to do.

But we are breaking away from that today. Today is the day we are going to our daughter's for dinner and will have some real food. Then we're going on a double date with her and her boyfriend to an athletic event that none of us have ever attended.

So tomorrow's picture(s) should be from that athletic event. Any guesses as to what we're going to see?

No guesses on today's picture though. Another kids quilt top done for charity, this time made from crumbs (those things I wrote about on Day 104.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 391

Juicing, biking, spring break. I'm tired of talking (and writing) about all of it right now.

I'd rather work on quilts. Remember all those quilt blocks I made on Day 329? The ones I turned into a quilt on Day 339? Well, I turned the extra blocks into yet another quilt top.

That makes three quilt tops completed in the last week. I'm aiming for at least three more in the coming week. We'll see if I get tired of doing that!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 390

The obsession with juicing is taking over, at least for now. While some folks do nothing but juice all day everyday for months, that's not our plan.

The plan isn't permanent for us. We wanted to reset our bodies, go cold turkey off the bad foods and hit the good foods hard. We were planning on nothing but juice through spring break, but already changed just a bit. We're doing juice for two meals, with the third meal being a salad (either fruit or veggie). The strong need to chew something is overwhelming. The need to continue to pursue the all plant diet is just as overwhelming so we had to make a concession.

We already see how the juice can be a part of our lives once this week is over. You wouldn't think a plate of fruits and veggies would turn out so tasty (and yet so ugly). This version tasted like apple juice.

And for those with no interest in juice here are some words from Ruth, who was lucky enough to captured these photos...
This owl has been in our area for nearly a month. Here he is sitting on a house roof next to the chimney. First time ever in our area.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 389

I'm not a napper, but between the juicing and finally getting a new bike and doing lots of miles, the combination wore me out today.

We knew going into the juicing we'd hit a wall. We knew we'd lose some energy and some pep as our bodies were transitioning from sugar, salt, and fat-laden foods to healthy, plant-based diets. It just came earlier than I thought. I was expecting it after four or so days but it hit me here on the third day.

We prepared for it, though. That's why we started the juicing over spring break - so that we wouldn't be obligated to go anywhere or do anything, and if need be we could nap our time away.

So I napped today. I didn't exactly awaken refreshed, but I did feel better. Thank goodness it didn't take much brain power to take a picture of this strawberry before it hit the juicer.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 388

My mom called today about the blog. Really, about the juicing. When she called I was in the middle of my bike ride (back to double digit miles - yay!) and in the middle of still working on downing my breakfast. A big glass of kale, spinach, carrot, celery, strawberry, grape, and peach juice.

Yum. Well, not exactly. Yum on the fruits, yuck on the veggies. Even with the fruits outweighing the vegetables in my mix, I could still taste the kale. And I don't like hate kale. But I'm drinking it because I know it's good for me. It's good for my health. All this juicing is probably a good way to rid my body of all the toxins built up with all the rheumatoid arthritis medications. A good way to jump start my system.

So I'll continue. We're planning on doing five days (with a break Wednesday night because we're going to our daughter's for dinner), then back again for at least another four days. Then spring break will be over and we'll see where we'll go from there.

I do have to say that as much as I dislike veggies and the juice isn't the tastiest thing (at least not yet) it does fill me up. Last night I had my juice at 6 PM and wasn't hungry the rest of the evening. That never happens. Same thing today - my morning juice filled me up for the day. We'll see what tomorrow holds. Maybe I'll be starving!

If I starve, I'll just hide in my sewing room and do more sewing for kids. Today I was able to get another kids quilt top done. It didn't turn out as pretty as I thought it would, but I still have more of the kid fabric left so I'll have another shot at it.