Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 427

Daughter was home for the day. Being that it's May, that means only one thing. Time to plant the garden.

Hubby and I got the red potatoes in last weekend and we had someone spray down the weeds (or try to - some of those things are sturdy). Today kiddo and I worked at getting almost everything else planted. Our tomatoes and peppers have been growing in the high school greenhouse and should be ready for us by the end of the week. In the meantime we planted kale, chard, beets, kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, slicing cucumbers and pickling cucumbers, peas, and onions.

Even though the timbers are the old ones from the roses, I like the look. Sure looks better than just a couple weeks ago.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 426

The quail have become like the bison in Yellowstone. Let me explain...

I used to be a consultant at a small school outside Yellowstone National Park. Over the course of a couple years I went into Yellowstone Park five times. The first time I was excited about the bison everywhere and took tons of pictures. The second and third times I only took bison pictures that were interesting (like bison with snow-covered backs). By the fourth time it became, "Oh, it's just a bison." No more pictures. By the fifth time, I didn't even take the time to go into the park. How many bison pictures does a person need?

The quail are the same way. Last year on Day 96 I took a picture of a pair of quail. This year on Day 414 I snapped a shot of a chubby looking quail. But now the quail have become so abundant and frequent I'm not even picking up my camera anymore. It has become, "Oh, it's just quail." (Now if babies come along, you can bet I'll pick up the camera again!)

Tulips are becoming another, "Oh, more pretty tulips". This will be the last picture of the year for tulips. (Please ignore the grass in the tulip bed. I am working on it.)

Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 425

It's working. The call I got from the rheumatologist's office confirmed it.

My inflammation numbers are down. Both tests, both numbers. The results are still way too high, but they are down. All without any arthritis medications.

Woo hoo! is all I can say. Might as well celebrate with a big glass of juice. And some sewing.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 424

Last year on Day 60 my husband forced me to go outside and I took a picture of our bleeding hearts. Here, today, almost a year exactly to that day I didn't have to be forced to go outside. I went willingly.

We planted potatoes and cleaned up some weeds. After working outside I sat in the shade of our patio and looked over at our bleeding hearts, thinking about last year. About how much has changed. About how I couldn't have predicted where I am now.

And even about how I look at things so much differently now than I did then. It seems to be more about the details nowadays, details I would have missed in the past.

Like with the bleeding hearts. Guess I never noticed that the same plant can have a different look depending on how much the bloom has opened. And that they really do look like a heart.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 423

I was planning on thanking my husband on today's blog. Thanking him for washing up and cutting the veggies for the week. (It's a long process when we use as many vegetables a day as we do.) He washed and cut so I could sew and sew. I was able to almost finish the second kids' quilt top in as many days.

But I also need to thank the kitty today, too. She kept me company, sitting in the window of the sewing room as I did all that sewing.

So when it came to the picture for the day the choice was easy. The cat makes for a much cuter picture than hubby and/or vegetables.