Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 442

Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

My husband has his end-of-the-year celebration tomorrow and I had promised a while back that I'd make a wall quilt for one of the retirees. But I haven't even started yet.

It's not like I haven't been busy. More 14+ hours days at work this week has left me little time to do much else. But guess how I'll be spending my day off today? Scrambling to get that wall quilt done. Fabrics need to be chosen and cut, pieces assembled, and the whole thing quilted. All in one single day.

Thank goodness I got myself up early to get started. Otherwise I would have missed a spectacular sunrise.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 441: Win It Wednesday

It's another Win It Wednesday and another shot at a homemade item.

Remember that memory game where you have all the cards face down and you turn over two at a time to make a match? My version is made of fabric with some batting between layers to make it much easier for those itty bitty fingers to grasp. I made an ocean-themed one back on Day 8. I also have a kitty cat one. They even come with their own drawstring carrying bag.

If you'd like a shot at them for your kids, grandkids, or even your classroom, just leave a comment on the post. If more than one person is interested, I'll randomly pick a winner on Friday.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 440

Yesterday morning I woke up from a dream where the mama hummingbird had returned. Since my bedroom window was open, I thought maybe I had heard her buzzing around outside and in my dream. (Like when I dream the phone is ringing and wake up to the phone actually ringing.) When I went outside yesterday to take my pictures for the day I looked around and couldn't find her.

But as I was sitting at the computer working on schoolwork here at home early this morning, guess who kept buzzing around my den window? Yup, mama hummingbird. I tried to get a picture of her but she was just too darn fast for me. I had to head to work so I couldn't be as patient as I would have liked, but boy, was I excited she was back!

Guess I wasn't the only one. When I called hubby saying I was leaving work and on my way home he said to me, "Guess who is back?" Except he didn't just see hummingbird today but also saw that yellow bird from last year, too.

Now here I sit, typing away, thinking about how I can tie my thoughts on mama hummingbird into a non-hummingbird picture. Someone just appeared at the window and made things easier.

Darn, still just a bit too fast for me!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 439

Despite being inside most of the day either napping or watching TV or bleaching the juicer or answering all the robocalls from the candidates running in tomorrow's primary, I did get myself a couple of pictures from outside.

One is from the rose garden - our first rose of this year is ready to pop.

The other is from the front bed. Gross, slimy, slug. I know some people smash them, but it was gross enough having to touch him (with gloves on) and toss him in the trash can.  Yuck.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 438: Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day everyone!

Whether your family surprises you...
with food...
or flowers...

I hope you're able to spend it with those you love.

Hope you're having a great day.