Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 457

After 457 days I sometimes forget what pictures I've posted. I know last year I did lots of rose pictures, but without going back through every single day I don't know if they've all wound up here or not.

Either way, I'm going with today's pictures of my miniature roses. Yesterday I posted a picture of one of my minis next to the bench but today I've taken a close up of that particular bush. I've also taken pictures of the other miniature - some close up, one not. I wish I knew the name of both types of miniatures, but I don't. Doesn't matter as I think they are pretty anyway.

I also hope the winner of this week's Win It Wednesday thinks the prize is pretty when it arrives at her house.

Lea - you are the winner of the crazy chicken quilt. Use the "Contact Me" button on the right side of my page to send your address my way. Congrats!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 456

Not much in the way of words today on this last day of May, just a look at some of my flowers in bloom. Guess I'm kind of into the pinks.



Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 455: Win It Wednesday

He gets salmon and you get chicken.

If you've been a reader of my blog for a while you know my husband has cerebral palsy. He's not wheelchair bound, but he does have physical limitations. If you were to watch him walk and interact you might think he was someone who had a stroke, with the right side of his body pretty much immobile.

His limitations have impacted our lives. He doesn't drive and so every time he wants/needs to go somewhere - to work, the doctor's office, the store - he has to be driven. He can't tie his own shoes or the ties he wears to work every day. He has trouble using a can opener, putting on a belt, and can't cut his own steak.

But bless his little heart, he has decided to go to physical therapy to try and build some strength on his affected side. For years I've tried to get him there and now he's doing it. All because of the salmon. He wants to go salmon fishing when we go to Alaska this summer, wants to hold the pole with two hands and try and reel the fish in himself. What a great reason to be motivated, huh?

So he'll have the salmon. And I'll give you the chicken.

Today's Win It Wednesday is an applique wall quilt I made some time ago with some crazy chickens. It measures 40" x 48". I love it, but because of my downsizing initiative I have to rid myself of it. Believe me, it's a hard one to give up.

If you're interested in these crazy chickens, post a comment here. If more than one person is interested, I'll randomly pick a winner on Friday.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 454

I am fessing up today. Occasionally I might take a couple pictures in the same day and use one for the following day. It's rare that it happens, but it does every once in a while. I thought I was going to get away with it today, but I can't.

The picture I'm posting today is raindrops in one of my poppies. Being there was no rain today (darn!) I can't say it was from today. But I like it and it's going here anyway.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 453

I almost went into work today but I talked myself out of it. It's a bad time of year at work, a time that takes all my time. I knew going into this job it would be this way, but it probably doesn't help that I'm trying to get ready for a yard sale, too.

So while I didn't go into work today, I did work from home on not fun work stuff. But I also did home stuff. I went through books for the yard sale and put some more fabric up on ebay. I picked out the Win It Wednesday prize for this week (if you like chickens you might like this one) and got working on another kids' quilt.

And I'm cleaning up my dinner diet and am planning on having juice for dinner instead of having it for lunch. At lunch I had tuna fish on double fiber bread with some veggie chips on the side. Interesting-looking veggie chips. Who knew a taro root chip would look like this?