Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 472

So far it may have been about swimming, work, and gambling but today it was about the food.

We had our usual juice for breakfast but for lunch were treated to a Father's Day weekend celebration lunch by our casino host. The best taco salad I've ever eaten (and not too ugly, either) and the richest chocolate cake (or was it a brownie?). We were also comped a seafood buffet tonight. I wasn't too hungry, but as usual the desserts were gorgeous. Who know a Rice Krispie treat could look so pretty?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 471

Hubby has been wanting to go to Jackpot since he got out of school last month and I keep putting him off. I've been too busy with work, have no interest in gambling, have too much sewing to get caught up on, and don't really want to be away from home right now.

But I caved. I figured I could spend my time at the pool and swim, swim, swim and take my laptop and school bag and work, work, work. I even tried to find a way to take my sewing machine but with the big bulky juicer in our suitcase something had to give.

So here I sit in Jackpot trying to find a good work/swim/stay-away-from-the-slot machines balance. (Unfortunately I wasn't so good at the slot machine avoidance.) I did get some work done and got some swimming in, though.

As I was sitting by the pool a stray cat appeared. It sat quietly hiding behind the chairs, ventured across the pool deck, and proceeded to drink from the pool.

Win It Wednesday winner...Kristen. Remember, it's a quilt top only (no batting or backing) but if you're still interested in it let me know!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 470

Today's blog post is probably the shortest thing I've ever written. It probably has a lot to do with the guilt I feel for not having done more quilts this year. Compared to last year, I'm way behind.

But at least fabrics are picked out for the next three kids' quilts. These will again head to Alaska to their branch of Operation Kid Comfort. Just gotta get started on them!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 469: Win It Wednesday

Today's Win It Wednesday prize might look familiar. On Day 394 (yeah, that was in March) I finished up a Cars quilt top for charity.

Guess who never got around to finishing it? My plan was to applique either tires or road signs in the darker gray blocks but it never happened - didn't even pick out fabric for the appliques. I've moved on to other charity quilts, ramping things up to get several out the door by July 1.

Any takers? It's approximately 39" x 46". While I would love it if you finished it up and gave it to charity, you certainly could either give it to someone you know or keep it for yourself. I'd love to see a picture of the finished product no matter what, though!

If you're interested leave a comment on this post. If more than one person wants it, I'll  choose a winner on Friday.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 468

The scrapbook sale went well. All but one box sold, but even without that one I netted a bit over $170 dollars. Not bad for stuff I was never using anyway.

The flowers blooming out front aren't too bad, either.