Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 487

July 1, the self-imposed quilt deadline. Despite all the grumblings this week about math class, work-related phone calls and e-mails, and too much chocolate, four quilts are headed out the door.

Now the excitement begins.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 486

I was lucky enough to see how much a mamma bird loved her baby.

Baby bird fell from the tree.

Momma bird coaxed her along in the grass until baby made it to the base of the tree.

Momma bird coaxed/pushed/encouraged baby to climb up the tree trunk.

Little baby bird clung to the tree with its little baby bird feet.

Baby bird made it to a branch. Then baby made it to the next branch and the next.

Momma kept coaxing/pushing/encouraging baby bird to keep hopping along the branch until she (I hope) made it back to her nest.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 485

I don't know why, but the soap inside the car wash this morning seemed interesting. Is there a story behind it? Nope. Just lots of wild colors.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 484

I woke up with a hangover today. A chocolate hangover.

I was getting groceries last night and saw that M&Ms were on sale. On the pack it was advertised that if you bought three bags you got a free movie ticket. So I just had to buy three bags.

One of those bags wound up next to my sewing machine. Last night as I worked on some quilting, I'd stop ever so often and eat a few M&Ms. It probably wouldn't have been so bad except I worked late into the night. Like until midnight or so. I don't know how many I ate (and am afraid to even pick up the bag), but the way my body was feeling this morning I have a feeling I ate a lot.

A chocolate hangover. I'm not a big chocolate fan but by mindlessly eating I consumed more than I would by choice.

There's only one cure for feeling icky in the morning. An ice cold glass of green juice. Kale, celery, parsley, bell pepper, green apples, kiwi, and cantaloupe. Snapple isn't the best stuff on earth. Today's juice is.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 483

Three days of math class, three days of problems taking 90 minutes. Here's today's 90 minute math problem:

26 x 18 =

I think I don't belong in this class - I keep thinking don't make me do another number line or boxes or "decompose" or "compensate" the numbers. (Both words I never heard being related to math before taking this class.) Let's get this problem solved and move on.

Some folks seem to enjoy the class. I'm sure a lot has to do with the fact they'll have to turn around and teach these strategies and models to their students, but for me with no classroom and no reason to be all that interested it makes for a pretty long day.

I'm not the only one with a long day. One minute the cat has claimed the coffee table and the next she's parked herself under it. What a cat.