Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 492: Ketchikan

Some facts about Ketchikan:
  • It’s known as Alaska’s “First City” because it’s the first stop when cruising the Inside Passage.
  • With 7,000 people it’s Alaska’s sixth largest city.
  • It’s the “Salmon Capital of the World” with five different species of wild Pacific salmon found in the surrounding waters.
  • Ketchikan is home to the largest collection of totem poles in the world.
  • It receives over 152 inches of rain a year.
Having visited Ketchikan several times before, we didn’t feel the pressure of having to get up and off the boat immediately.  We had a beautiful early morning look out our door.

Everyone else left the ship right away, leaving the pools completely deserted. Lucky me, getting to have this gorgeous place to myself! 

We did venture into town for a Lumberjack show. I snapped several pictures but the best one was of the log roll. What looks like snow really is water splashing.

But the even better picture occurred while I was sitting there. Look to the sky, grab the camera and hope for a good shot. I think I got it.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 491: At Sea

Today was our first full day at sea. What does one do when you are on a cruise ship all day? As you can imagine, it had something to do with food.

It started with a beautiful morning on the balcony and some room service. I've never seen melons chopped so small!

Then we headed out to watch a fruit carving. What talent! But I kept thinking, I could use those in my juice.

Today was a special British pub lunch. Bangers and mash were on the menu but we opted for the fish and chips with mushed peas. It was all so delicious - even the peas. I cleaned my plate.

It was formal night for dinner. Since we ate in the main dining room it was a four course meal. My choices:

Appetizer - Crabmeat quiche.
 Soup - Chicken wonton.
Main entree - Seared halibut on a bed of swiss chard.
Dessert - Strawberry cheesecake.
I made sure I did not clean my plate. What a load of food!

We then stopped by as they were putting the finishing touches on the champagne waterfall. We passed on partaking.
I did partake in their Mai Tai drink special of the day when we attended the comedy show.
Then as I was loading all the pictures into the computer tonight, hubby spied a humpback whale right off our balcony.
A very full (and filling) day.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 490: Island Princess

You can follow our cruise with the Island Princess webcam.

The first cruise we ever took was for our 20th anniversary. Only rich people cruised but we wanted to celebrate right for a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Except the once-in-a-lifetime trip has become a once-every-few-years trip. Our favorite cruise line is Princess and we're back with them again.

Island Princess to Alaska. Two weeks of rest and relaxation. And not just in one of the tiny inside cabins we usually book. We got a call a few days ago that we were being upgraded to a balcony cabin at no extra cost.

We feel so lucky that we're able to be here on this Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 489

I thought today I'd get an amazing picture. Remember all those windmills from Day 24? I'm kind of obsessed with those wind turbines. I've seen them being hauled down the road in pieces for years now. I've always wished I could catch one of the pieces stopped at a rest area so I could snap a picture, but they have always eluded me. But at Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, British Columbia they have a turbine tour. That tour goes into a glass viewing station at the top of the turbine!

But hubby still isn't doing much but sleeping so we didn't go. Maybe I'll get to do the wind turbine when we return.

My fear of heights might get me anyway. Just standing on the balcony of our Vancouver hotel room is enough to give me the heebie jeebies. 27 floors from the ground is plenty high.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 488

So I thought the excitement was beginning.

The plan was to drive to Seattle and spend the night. In the morning head to Pike Place Market with all the great fruits, veggies and flowers. Chase down a juice bar up the street. Hit a Starbucks for hubby and La Panier (my favorite french bakery) for me. Go back to the hotel for the afternoon and rest up until the evening Seattle Mariners baseball game.

That plan didn't happen.

Hubby hasn't been feeling well so we only made it as far as Yakima. He's had plenty of time to rest but now we'll be missing the Market. We will be hitting the baseball game tonight, though.

So instead of an exciting day full of pictures of flowers and fresh produce in Seattle, you get to see a picture of what I stared at for a chunk of the day yesterday. It'll have to do until I can (hopefully) take exciting pictures at tonight's game.

The texture of the ceiling in the hotel room is something I've never seen before. Bigfoot must have been the one assigned to the job.
Okay, it's post game and I do have some more pictures.
A couple of Safeco Field...
 The Mariners Moose

 See the ball in this one?


And of course we can't forget the guy selling hot dogs...