Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 577

The way I see it, I saved $75 today.

Today was the quilt show in Boise, the same one I went to with my daughter back on Day 115. Daughter couldn't go this time around, but I talked hubby into it since he's getting along pretty good with the cane. Except I changed my mind at four o'clock this morning. There in bed, not able to get back to sleep, I started thinking.

$13 for gas.
$12 for admission.
$25 in fabric and/or patterns and/or whatever. (Who can go to a quilt show and not buy something?)
$25 for lunch. (Hubby is limited on what he can eat so when we go out he has to be picky. Which sometimes means expensive, but since he doesn't get to do it too often I let it slide.)

Right now with hubby on sick leave and not knowing what the future holds, me working part time when I can, and the medical bills we just paid off, I figured I had better ways to spend $75. And a quilt show wasn't it.

So no pictures of quilts or fabric or purchases. Thank goodness I spied a butterfly out the window, glowing in the afternoon sun.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 576

A full day of sewing. Of being tucked away in a room as the sewing machine hummed and hummed and hummed. The quilt top I did on Day 570 for one of the Alaska kids is now an official quilt. And again, I practiced my stitching before turning myself loose on the real thing. I just love how the stitching looks on the bright backing.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 575

One thing I've learned over the last couple years is that I have several choices, but the choices are so extreme.

a. addictive pain pills
b. anti-malaria medication
c. injectable medication that can cause TB and lymphoma
d. injectable chemotherapy drugs
e. anti-inflammatory medication that caused my husband's kidneys to shut down
f. a diet that consists primarily of fresh kale/celery/chard/carrot/beet/pepper/cucumber/zucchini/apple juice
g. all of the above
h. none of the above

At times I've tried all of the above and other times have tried none of the above. But now I'm at a crossroads. Based on the symptoms - on the severity of the rebelliousness of my body - I must make a decision. I must take power of my situation, over my pain and stiffness and fatigue and everything else that represents a body out of control. 

Even kitty notices something is off. When I got home and headed to the bedroom she crawled up just about as close to my face as she could and dozed off.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 574

A single brown leaf amidst all the neighboring healthy green leaves. Slowing being eaten away, possibly by some disease.

The best representation of how I feel on Day 574.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 573

Today's picture may be boring but it shows something I'm proud of. After this weekend's trip to the quilter's house I realized I needed to do a better job with my quilting stitches. So when I quilted the top from Day 571 I paid particular attention to my work. Today's picture is a close up of my fine work. (Or at least work that is getting closer to fine.)