Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 654

We don't go out much after dark, especially at this time of year. It is hard for me to see when driving and it is so doggone cold.

But we just so happened to be in Caldwell as the sun was setting. Instead of rushing home before it became pitch dark we decided to go out to Chinese food for dinner. Delicious. Yet it wasn't the Chinese food that became the picture.

It was what we saw when we came out of the restaurant. As we walked across the street to the car we could see Christmas lights down at the end of the block. We took a little post-dinner walk and found something we didn't even know existed. A creek-side park, part of the city's recent revitalization, all decked out in every possible color of light.

A perfect after-dinner detour.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 653

Fridays are turning out to be hubby's how-to day. The day he asks to be taught something new. Inspired by yesterday's huge cinnamon rolls at Sunrise Restaurant he wanted to tackle two things.

Sticky buns and cinnamon rolls.

And boy, did he conquer both! I can attest that they both taste as delicious as they look.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 652

Hubby first wanted today's picture to be of the cinnamon roll. Sunrise Restaurant has huge ones! Half a cinnamon roll equals most of a plate. Yum! But I wanted today's picture to be of the beautiful bush with red berries on it outside the Mexican restaurant. Yet by the end of the day he wanted the picture to be of his school. The place the kidney specialist has cleared him to return to after the first of the year. Finally.

On hubby's last day of school before summer break - May 21 - we thought he'd have 84 days of summer vacation. 84 days of no kids. As it has turned out, by the time he starts back he will have been gone from work for 226 consecutive days. That's a long time.

He's like a kid at Christmas right now. Happy as a clam.

And partially happy about today's picture. Red berries and cinnamon roll.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 651

I'm outnumbered.

Guess who has joined hubby in the it's nice to relax in front of a fireplace on TV club?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 650

With hubby growing up around fireplaces and woodstoves he has a different opinion about them than I do. He sees them as comforting, relaxing, and mesmerizing. I've spent the bulk of the last few days in my recliner down with the flu and he keeps asking the same questions: Are you cold? Do you want another log on the fire? He'll even get me to smile a bit when he occasionally moseys up to the fire to get warm.

But we don't have a fireplace.

It's a video on Netflix. Fireplace for Your Home. A solid hour of nothing but logs burning. Another solid hour of logs burning and Christmas music in the background.

It may not put off heat but it does look real. Doesn't do much for me, but he sure is into it.