Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day 673

Would you rather?

Would you rather step out into the cold and see this sunrise? Or...

Would you rather get in the car and find out how cold it really is?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 672

He did it! He left the house at 6:20 AM and returned at 4 PM. Hubby, after being so, so, sick has made it back to school.

His first stop after heading in the door? Off with the tie, off with the shoes, and into the warm bed for a nap. One day down.

I couldn't figure out what to do with the extra time by myself. Sew? Bake? Clean? I mostly sat in the recliner and watched the snow fall, then when the sun broke through found my way to the bed for a little rest. I did spend a teeny tiny bit of time sewing my next project, a snowman table runner.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 671

If I wasn't so worried about what people thought of me I would have taken a picture of vodka bottles today. Not from a New Year's party and not from me or anyone I know.

From the water heater.

We spent this morning with the inspector at the new place in Boise. He called us to the back bedroom to show us where the water heater was - in the back of the closet, behind a panel. When you look at the closet it looks normal, but when you remove the panel, voila! There is a water heater.

And two empty bottles of vodka.

Guess someone living there must have had a drinking problem. A big enough problem to hide their bottles behind a panel in the closet. I so wanted to take a picture but was too afraid in front of the inspector, the agent and her husband, and my mom to go grab my camera and take a picture of the comical sight.

I instead found an even better picture when I stopped by to see my daughter. The fine snowflakes falling on her jacket were beautiful. This snow's for you, Lisa!

Monday, December 31, 2012

Day 670

Who wouldn't love for the freezing fog to lift and see this left behind on the trees?
I know who - the cat.

Looks like she wants me to send her off in the mail. Any takers?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 669

A tumbleweed garden wasn't the only thing the wind did for us. It also made us realize our double-pane, relatively new windows weren't as sturdy as we thought. Just look at the gross dirt that found its way in.

I hope we don't see something like that in our next place. The place we made an offer on in Boise. Through a series of circumstances we found a can't-pass-up opportunity that will help us in planning for our post-retirement future. It is a decision that affects us, my mom, and our daughter.

A very clean and well cared for manufactured home in a 55+ community. Mom will be moving into it as soon as the deal closes and will live there until we're ready to retire. Daughter, whose lease in running out on her apartment, will move into my mom's old place.

Wonder who will win the fight over the empty boxes at the liquor store?