Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 683

Kickin' my behind is what the chemotherapy drugs are doing. Last time around they knocked me down and out and this time isn't any different.

Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday I feel great (thanks, steroids!). I take the chemo stuff on Saturday, and wind up having a sucky Sunday and Monday. The pattern has already re-established itself.

Today I had my heart set on finishing the Disaster Auction quilt and even had the entire day to finish it. I'd work for a little while, then get too tired to do anything but sit in my recliner. And wouldn't you know it, every time I sat in my recliner today I fell asleep? Three, four, (or was it five?) different times. Sleep, back to quilting, sleep, back to quilting. Again and again and again.

I'm certain I'll be able to finish the quilt this week, but as for tonight a picture of a partly-finished quilt will have to do.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 682

Another day of Would you Rather?

Would you rather look down on your drive to Boise and see this temperature outside?

Would you rather get to Boise, take your mom out for a birthday lunch, and get to share her birthday dessert? Baked apple dumplin at Cracker Barrel.
Yeah, me too.

Happy birthday, Mom!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Day 681

When I walked in the sewing room today my only thought was, "Seriously?"

Is it really necessary for you to be sleeping on top of the Disaster Auction quilt?! 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 680

Hubby got his Winter Wonderland call at 5:30 this morning and I got my at 6:30. No school. Snow Day!

A combination of freezing rain and snow blowing in sideways, sticking to everything, led to almost every school for over 100 miles being closed. (That'd be Parma all the way to Glenns Ferry.)

Snow shoveling, quilt sewing, cat watching, phone call making, kindle reading, bookshelf cleaning, and of course picture taking. All today.

You can see how the snow blew so hard it stuck to the side of the fence.

Stuck to the north side of the trees, too.

Not sure the burning bush can hold much more.

Kitty doesn't like her paws in the snow. But she found a tire track and followed it down the road. Thank goodness no cars were around.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 679

Making good progress on the quilt for the Disaster Auction. I'm not so sure about the center block color I chose but I think once it all comes together it'll be fine. I hope.