Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 692

I'm sitting here proud as can be.

She's doing it again but this time with more motivation, more gumption, more enthusiasm. It isn't just because her parents expect it; it's because she wants it. This time around it won't cost us a penny. Probably won't cost her too much either since she qualified for grants this time. The girl who quit and joined the working world has decided it's the right thing at the right time.

Our daughter started back to college today.

She'll be busy. She's going to continue her regular job while going to school full time. I'm not sure we could be any more proud of her. She's not too many credits away from her AA in Criminal Justice and if the right classes are offered this summer, this coming August she'll have a certificate in her hands. And after that, who knows? Maybe more school, maybe not.

Good job, kiddo. We know you can do it and we're so excited for you!

(But not too excited about today's temperatures.)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 691

How'd you like to wake up from your recliner and see this staring at you?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 690

I've always loved the look of aerial pictures. But being I don't find myself flying anywhere these days, this picture is the closest I can get. If you squint, you might be able to mistake it for a dried up lake in an alkali desert.

Snow + Ice + Salt/Ice Melter = this picture taken of the cement on the back part of the carport.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 689

Looks like I've got some people joining me in taking cold weather pictures. Nancy sent this one of icicles on the roses outside her window.
And my contribution for the day? More of that freezing fog. Looks like snow from afar, but up close it looks like ice shavings.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 688

I know I need to stop but I can't. There are just too many good pictures this winter!