Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 696

It finally rained last night. And that caused what happened this morning to happen. Because last night's rain froze.

I awoke this morning to hubby calling me from the back yard, asking to be let in the back door. He's been using the front door a lot nowadays - smaller steps, rails on both sides, easier for him to get up and down. I thought maybe he'd locked himself out or had his hands full or something else.

It was something else.

As he headed outside to take the mail to the mailbox across the street - and used the front steps, the ones not covered by the carport - he fell on the ice. Didn't even make it to the street. Didn't make it much past the bottom of the steps, even. The ice was so bad he couldn't get up. He scooted his behind down the sidewalk (he said it was pretty easy, being super-slick and icy) and around the corner to the carport. Unfortunately hubby is still pretty weak and can't get up from the ground. So more scooting he went until he got to the back steps where he could grab onto something to pull himself up and give me a holler.

No broken bones, not even bruised (maybe). Tomorrow will tell.

It's raining more right now. Just look at the mess of snow and slush and water in the road. If this freezes, they'll really be no going to the mailbox for some time.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 695

The elusive woodpecker has finally shown himself. That is I think it's a woodpecker. As I look closer, maybe not.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 694

Snow day for me, late start and cancelled class for kiddo in college. Unfortunately for hubby his school district decided to have school.

Ice Storm 2013 is what the news called it. Lots of school districts closed, a 80 mile stretch of freeway closed in the wee hours of the morning. Part of it still closed late this afternoon. Good thing I have no where to go.

I wish I could say no where to go and nothing to do. But I can't. A big project at work has me working from home - in my pjs.

Of course I just had to do a little bit of fun stuff on a day off. A new project. (Actually an old project that was stuffed in my quilt patterns. The fabric had already been cut and just needed to be put together). It's a long way from being finished but can you tell what the theme is?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 693

This sure has been an exciting month. We bought our retirement home, daughter went back to college. Got my mom moved into our new place and daughter into grandma's old place. And hubby and I are eating our way through Alejandra's.

If you've been reading here a while you know we are fanatics of the hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant in Marsing, Alejandra's. While we go there at least once a week (sometimes more) we usually wind up having the same few items.

No more.

We have decided we're going to eat our way through the menu, starting with the first page. Every visit, something different. A fun adventure. First up on the front page antojitos mexicanos (Mexican appetizers).

Plates from left to right:
Taquitos, botanas, flautas.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 692

I'm sitting here proud as can be.

She's doing it again but this time with more motivation, more gumption, more enthusiasm. It isn't just because her parents expect it; it's because she wants it. This time around it won't cost us a penny. Probably won't cost her too much either since she qualified for grants this time. The girl who quit and joined the working world has decided it's the right thing at the right time.

Our daughter started back to college today.

She'll be busy. She's going to continue her regular job while going to school full time. I'm not sure we could be any more proud of her. She's not too many credits away from her AA in Criminal Justice and if the right classes are offered this summer, this coming August she'll have a certificate in her hands. And after that, who knows? Maybe more school, maybe not.

Good job, kiddo. We know you can do it and we're so excited for you!

(But not too excited about today's temperatures.)