Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 728

Another what does one do day?

What does one do when they stay home from work, not feeling well, and when they go to pick hubby up from school he wants to know what is for dinner?

Stop at Alejandra's on the way home for the Idaho Burrito (on the right) and the spicy Adobada Burrito (on the left). Not that I was all that hungry, but the Adobada burrito got my nose a-runnin'.

Now it's time to kick up the feet and keep watching Emergency! As we've been watching an episode or two (or three) every night for weeks now, we're finally down to the last eight episodes. (I'll be thinking of you, Lisa, as I watch tonight!)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 727

What is it that one does after they've had a couple of long days at work and are on their third antibiotic that seems to have side effects that are just as bad as the condition it is trying to treat?

You barely drag yourself to Alejandra's. The next item on the menu was Carnitas Burrito (shredded pork burrito).

We also opted for tonight's special, the chicken fajitas, which were super tasty.

Then you come home, immediately change into your flannel pajamas, sit in your recliner, and watch Emergency episodes on Netflix. Remember that TV show from the 70s featuring John Gage and Roy DeSoto, the paramedics at Station 51? Yeah, I'm obsessed.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day 726

Step onto your front porch and look to the southeast. See a spectacularly colorful sunrise chock full of yellows, oranges, pinks, and blues.

Drive west on your way to work. See the morning sun casting a bright yellow glow onto the grasses and power poles.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 725

I have to figure out a better system of taking pictures in Boise. Yesterday's picture of the clothesline was taken in the usual way - with my digital camera - but I didn't have a cable with me to upload the pictures to the computer. Instead I used my phone to take a picture of the picture screen, then used that photo.

Now we're back in Marsing and I have my pictures uploaded from the camera. Good for me, probably not so good for hubby. When I came back inside from taking pictures yesterday I was quite pleased with the interesting photos I took. But when I told hubby what they were - ice on the headlight and ice on the front bushes, snow on the grass and the clothesline - he gave me the impression that they were quite boring.

I think not. I still think they are interesting.

The clothesline - this time not the phone's picture of the picture:

Snow on the grass:

Ice that had formed on the car's headlight:

Ice on the front shrub:

Inside the car, looking up at the sunroof.
Yep, interesting is the word.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 724

When I first saw pictures of this new place in Boise on the realtor website, I knew it would be ours for one big reason.

The clothesline.

If you've been a reader, you know how important a clothesline is to me. And the great thing about this  house is that it has a permanent clothesline, one just like my great grandmother used to have.

But they'll be no hanging up clothes anytime soon as you can see by the line this morning.