Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 783

Must. Keep. Moving. Forward.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 782

Scene: picking hubby up afterschool.

Hubby: What's for dinner?
Me: Tacos.
Hubby: I'm not sure how good the cabbage is. And I took the salad mix for lunch so we don't have any lettuce, either.
Me: (In a smart aleck-y voice) So what, we need to get our tacos at Alejandra's instead?
Hubby: You want to?
Me: I don't know.
Hubby: You up to it?
Me: Well I had a shower today and am dressed. (Okay, admission here...I don't shower everyday when I'm sick and sometimes I'm lucky to be wearing clean clothes.)

And that's how we wound up having a chimichanga for the first time ever.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 781

I needed another happy picture today. (Although if you knew nothing about flowers, a picture of a "bleeding heart" might not sound all that pleasant.)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 780

Figured after all the complaining I've been doing it's about time for happy things.

Like spring flowers.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 779

How much can one person take?

Despite my repeated declarations to the contrary, I've had to start back on the pain pills. Can't believe I crossed back over that line. I also have to get a shot today - in my rump - that is supposed to help with pain.

When I lifted those big, heavy boxes for the post office the other day I forgot something. Part of the recovery instructions from the cardiac catherization was to limit my lifting to three pounds. Oops. Now I'm paying for the oversight. The ache from the elbow to the wrist is not pleasant.

The soonest I can get into the doctor to discuss my pulmonary function tests is Wednesday. So more days of keeping still, more days of not being able to breathe.

Today is my chemotherapy drug day. Which means the next few days will have me feeling even worse than usual.

And the cherry on top for the day? I'm writing this from the rheumatologist's office. It's infusion day. Happy flippin' Friday.