Sunday, May 19, 2013

Day 809

I wonder how poppies got their names? I think it might be because the pods are closed one day and it seems like just the next day they've started to pop.

The plain red poppies are popping out. I went with two views of the same one. A regular view and a very close up view.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 808

What does Alejandra's call the meal that includes two tacos, two enchiladas, two chile rellenos, a tostada, a tamale, a zope, beans, and rice? They call it Happy Family.

I call it Too Much Food for Two People.
Can you believe all of it only cost $14.99?

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 807

Recently I was thinking about stopping my blog at Day 1000. I was getting tired, I felt like my pictures were getting old, my writing getting stale, my life getting boring.

But then this lung thing happened. And then I realized how much of a gift this blog has been to me. Only by looking back on my last 800 days can I truly appreciate my life. While appreciating what I've done is great and all, I'm not done living. I want to live and I want it to be big.

I know sitting with my feet up might not seem like it would contribute to living big, but knowing they're up while I'm sitting through my infusion makes it so.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 806

As I sit here typing in my recliner with my feet up, a thought occurs to me. Is there anything cuter or more peaceful than a sleeping baby?

Yep. A sleeping cat that keeps changing positions every few minutes or so.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 805

It could be one of those how many _______ does it take to change a lightbulb? kind of jokes. But it's my life and it's not funny. But it was a hoop I had to jump through to get the insurance to pay for oxygen.

How many wires attached to Deb's head, all night long, does it take to determine her breathing patterns?
A lot.