Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day 818

My Scooter has been having some fun. She's been zooming up and down the halls and making the rounds on deck.

Scooter's fear of heights (guess that was my fear of heights) that was conquered on the last cruise has still been conquered. I (we) can stand at the edge and look down into the water with no fear. Even though I can't swim anymore because of my lung thing, she still liked checking out the pools. Even though there is no wedding date set it didn't stop Scooter from checking out the ship's wedding chapel.

She even had a grand time getting up and down the steep skybridge to the night club. She may have wanted to try it out at night but I convinced her I would only attempt it during the day.

(Please excuse all the misplaced pictures and late - and possibly absent - postings. I'm using free wireless when I can and it is spotty. We are traveling only with an iPad and I'm having difficulty getting things to format properly or at all. If you don't hear from me for a day or so, don't worry. I'll get you up to date when I can!)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 817

Seattle was where we started on this adventure. We're headed back to Alaska. On a cruise ship.

With today being the first at sea day, we've been partaking in the fine dining. Between hubby, me, my daughter, and her boyfriend we've had lots of delicious items. We've been voting on who has the prettiest or most interesting food.

Here are some winners:
An appetizer of duck with blueberry sauce. A cold pina colada soup served in a glass. Mango cheesecake. A too big for me piece of prime rib.

But the most interesting and pretty was what daughter had for dessert tonight. See anything out of the ordinary here?

Yep, can't refer to her companion as boyfriend anymore. It's fiance now. When she discovered the shiny object on the dessert he dropped to one knee and proposed. And she said yes. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day 816

Crazy, marrow-sucking lady here. (Help me out - I need a better slogan for what I'm trying to accomplish here than marrow-sucking!)

Sitting on a balcony, taking pictures. But from where?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 815

It started out as a way to get hubby back up on that horse that bucked him off (metaphorically speaking). Unfortunately, even after these past few weeks of physical therapy he still isn't strong enough to follow through on what he originally set out to do. But he's still calling it his Redemption Tour.

Then it became about our daughter who turns 25 in a little over a week from now. Big, grown birthday girl, another semester of college and another year of work (and another raise) under her belt.

Then her boyfriend asked us if he could marry her. Although there is no engagement yet, it became a family thing that included the boyfriend. Probably a last chance to do it all together before an engagement, a marriage, and a baby or two.

Then it became about me. A direct order from the doctor not to do it. But now that I have scooter and won't be hiking and walking like I did last time, he has okayed it. (I'd like to call it my suck-the-marrow-out-of-life-tour but that sounds gross.)

There is a reason I bought a scooter called Travelscoot. And that reason begins today. Stay tuned to see what all the fuss is about.

Before it starts, a picture of one of our miniature roses ready to bloom.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 814

I don't necessarily want to admit it, but this blog is important to me. It isn't so much the blog, but the comments people post. Every day I look forward to seeing if anyone responded to my picture or what I wrote. I'm not good about posting back, but rest assured I read every single one. That might be a sign of insecurity, looking for approval/validation from others. I tell myself it isn't important - what people think - but it is.

But the comments about my photos (particularly on the flower ones) have stirred something else in me. I've been thinking about all these pictures I take. Some aren't so great, but some are pretty darn good. So scrap the whole, It's Sew Idaho thing, at least temporarily. Time to focus on the photographs. (Not like I haven't already. 814 days in a row of pictures should count for something.) But I want it to count for something bigger. So for the second time in the history of this blog, I have a new camera.

Crazy, right? This new digital camera will allow me to use my lenses I purchased ages ago when I used a film camera. Better quality, sharper images. Can't wait to show you what I'm about to do with it.

You'll have to wait just a bit more. In the meantime, take a look at the upgrade. Looks like they're in a standoff.