Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 848

Did you know?

Did you know that when you stand under huge power poles like these
that they emit an electrical sound? Not a hum, not a buzz, but a noise that sounds like, well, electricity? A bit scary sounding. I only know this because the Suck the Marrow Tour Part Two took us down into the Columbia River Gorge to see the John Day Dam.
Did you know that when you are on a Suck the Marrow tour you try things you might not usually try? Like a sip of a local amber beer hubby had at dinner at our hotel. On the patio. Overlooking the Columbia River.
Did you know that logs are brought down the river on barges?
And did you know?
Thanks for the sticker, you know who. It's on my scooter.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 847

When you see a weather forecast like this on the news it means close up the house, crank up the air, and stay inside.

But for someone on a live deep and suck the marrow kick that won't do. Only a spur of the moment, last minute, spontaneous as spontaneous can get kind of decision will do. How last minute? It was decided this afternoon.

Stay tuned. Part two of the suck out all the marrow of life tour begins tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day 846

There are a lot of benefits to having a place in Boise, like the 11 minutes door to door to hubby's class downtown. Another benefit as much for me as for my daughter is the babysitting aspect. Maybe someday in the future - the far future she tells me - there will be grand babies. In the meantime it's cat babysitting while kiddo and fiancé are up camping.

Her kitty and I got along just fine. She's such a cutie. (Albeit a bit chubby, just like the rest of us.)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 845

Check out what I picked from the Boise garden!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 844

Darn. I thought I had a great picture today. One that showed how I've been dragging, how I'm slipping back into icky-ness. Although the picture doesn't show it as much as I expected, I guess it'll do.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong. Maybe the car is telling me I should keep my chin up - otherwise by butt will look too big. (And goodness knows it doesn't need to look any bigger than it already is.)