Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 952

When I won the money the other day I probably should have been more excited. In the back of my mind I knew I wouldn't be able to spend it - I figured it would go into savings and never be touched again. But hubby had a different idea.

Medical expenses.

Unfortunately he's right for several reasons.
*If our little trip to Jackson Hole taught me anything it was that I'm so doggone far from healthy. And that things are only going to be going downhill from here. (It appears denial isn't working so well anymore.)
*Just this week I have six medical appointments and next week I have yet another two. (That's way too many if you ask me.)
*Next week is infusion time for me again. (The money I won will only cover HALF of one infusion. Ugh.)
*Hubby's still in physical therapy - been there over a year now. (And we're still paying the bill.)

So while I would love to celebrate and do something fun, it is time to be responsible and thankful for the opportunity to have medical care that keeps me alive and breathing (albeit with one lung) and moving forward (as long as I don't have to actually move), and the ability to work on Christmas stockings for folks who have things a lot worse than me. But no Christmas stockings pictures today.

How a couple pictures of roses still left blooming in the garden instead?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 951

Not a katydid, not a praying mantis. An albino grasshopper?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 950

25 more scrap stockings made and a heck of a bunch of scraps still left. It'll be quite some time before Santa's workshop closes.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 949

Hubby knows I'm a big believer when it comes to the power of the universe. Things always turn out the way they are supposed to. If you are generous and kind, good things will come your way. But sometimes hubby uses the universe thing to get his way.

"The universe wants you to go to the casino" says hubby. (Yeah, right.) I was worn out from my high altitude excursion and even though we had a free room and dinner and show I just as soon go home. But that couldn't happen because hubby had a voucher from a slot machine that would expire if not turned in. (I wasn't all too pleased that he hadn't taken care of it before.) I'm not one to give up a hundred bucks so I had to relent and make a detour to the casino. 

I wound up having to agree with him on the universe leading me to the casino. Because just a couple minutes after sitting down at a penny machine I hit the bonus. 9 diamond symbols during a ultra spin bonus round let me to hit this jackpot of pennies.

That $4,438.37. Thank you universe.  

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 948

We sadly had to leave Jackson Hole. But I have to admit I was glad we were leaving. (Note to self: never, ever plan a high-elevation trip without first consulting the lung doctor.) I do hope to go back someday, but oxygen will be at the top of my packing list. I had a heck of a time of breathing so I will never make such a mistake again.

I have to go back. If not for the National Park then for the beautiful drive between Swan Valley and Palisades Reservoir in Idaho. The fall colors, the river, the snow capped peaks, the numerous osprey nests. We stopped so many times for so many pictures. Here are just a few of my favorites.