Sunday, June 15, 2014


NSV = Non-Scale Victory

It's a term I've noticed people use on weight loss message boards. It represents that thing that's related to weight loss but not necessarily about the scale. And I had an NSV today at 6:00 AM.

When taking my seat on the commuter jet bound for Portland this morning, I asked for a seat belt extender. It has been common practice for me to either bring my own or ask to borrow. But this morning in the few seconds between me asking for an extender and the flight attendant digging it out, I'd already taken care of the problem.

I fastened the seat belt. In this small airplane with small seats and small seat belts, I found that the standard seat belt fit around me for the first time I can remember. NSV.

As for why I'm in Portland, Oregon that's a story for another day. It may have been raining most all day, but hubby and I were able to get a super-early checkin (thank you Residence Inn) and been enjoying just relaxing in our hotel room. The rain did stop long enough for me to snap a picture of beautiful rhododendrons in bloom.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I'll Dance at your Wedding

When my husband was young and his Grandma Bates wanted him to do something for her she'd promise, "I'll dance at your wedding." So when hubby and I got married, on a shoestring budget with no DJ, no dance floor, and no dance, he and Grandma did an impromptu dance. Payment for all those times past where he did something with no payment except for a dance at his wedding.

Fast forward 30 years and it's time for our kiddo to get married. All her life when he wanted a task done and she wanted to know what she was going to get out of it, he'd reply, "I'll dance at your wedding."

And so he did. On a non-shoestring budget (thanks to us), with a DJ playing John Mayer's Daughters song, kiddo and her daddy danced. I'm violating my blog rule about no people-pictures, but it's too precious to skip.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Rose Garden

There had to be a good reason I cut rose after rose after rose in our garden today. The reason? Guess you'll have to come back to find out why. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Triple Digits

After several days of negotiating, the soon to be married couple got themselves a new car. Pretty cute.

And after several months of small bites, I hit the triple digits. 100 pounds lost. Pretty awesome.

And to Paula O...I didn't even think about that when I was in San Francisco. Next time? There WILL be a next time. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Good Store

Did you know there is a store called "Life is good" at the Seattle airport? Looks just like the sticker someone gave me for me scooter last year! Unfortunately the prices in the store weren't so good.