Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New Program

New program, new procedure so says the doctor. This was my 7th surgery with him and the recovery with this one has been the most surprising.

Everyday I see him he keeps touting this new program he has for his knee replacement patients. Get 'em done and send them home. When I heard some patients go home the same day or the next day I couldn't believe it. But now that I'm three days into it here at the hospital I get it.

It's amazing. I don't know if he used a different implant or different drugs or different procedure or different rehab schedule but it's working. The comparison between my last knee replacement and this one is night and day. How can I tell this new knee is amazing?

With the walker I've walked the hospital hallways several times in the past couple days.
I've climbed up and down stairs without assistance.
I stood on my own two feet (and own two knees) and brushed my teeth.
I've taken a shower with no help.
I can get myself in and out of bed without needing to hold onto the walker.
I'm able to get myself dressed, bending and straightening my knee as necessary.

And all those things happened with little pain. Yes, I'm taking a slew of drugs as evidenced by yesterday's picture but obviously those pills are working. Tomorrow I'm on my way outa here. I was supposed to go to a rehab center for a couple weeks, but I've progressed so well they now won't take me. (Guess I shouldn't have worked so hard in therapy here!) So it'll be off to our place in Boise where kiddo and son-in-law can help me get to therapy as it'll be some time before I can drive again.

I knew it was going to be a good day when I awoke to a pretty sunrise out my window.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Surgery went well and recovery is going well. I've been up walking (with the walker, of course). The only down side is the number of pills I'm having to take to make recovery happen. This handful, plus another pill, plus a liquid, plus two more medications in the IV, all multiple times a day. Kinda rough on my little tummy. But I have a new knee so it'll be worth it!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Ready to Go

All hooked up and getting ready to go. See you later, old worn out knee!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Allergy Card

Since I'm sneezing like crazy and my nose won't stop running I've decided to play the allergy card tomorrow at the hospital. Nope doctor, not a cold. Just allergies. (Now if it shows I have a fever that plan will be shot down.)

I know things always work as they are supposed to, but if the surgery is rescheduled it'll be tough to accept. Guess it just means I'm supposed to hang out with the cat a bit more. 

A clean, just-had-a-bath old cat. Although she's looking more like a little kitten each day. Poor girl. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Bound to Happen

After a cruise ship vacation.
Three train trips.
Two taxi rides.
Four hotel shuttles.
Three airplanes.
Two bus rides.
Thirteen light rail trips.
Seven different cities.
Three states.
Two countries.
It was bound to happen.

I came home sick.

Which really shouldn't be such a big deal. Hubby came down with it a few days back and is pretty much recovered. But I've got a bigger issue.

My knee replacement surgery is on Monday.

My symptoms - A stuffy head, sore throat, earache, and chest congestion - are enough for a surgeon to call it off. But as this little vacation has showed me, I need a new knee ASAP.

Sounds like a good excuse to pile Alejandra's salsa on some refried beans.