Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Radio Silence

I feel like I've gone silent on the blog but I'm just back to work. Leaves kitty home to play outside. Which in her case might just mean playing in the dirt. Geez, the girl needs a bath.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Happy Dance

It's nice to be home. I get to sleep in my own bed. I get to be greeted by a cat happy to see me. I get to see my flowers in bloom. (Black-eyed Susans in the picture.)

I get back to my scale. 130 pounds lost. Happy dance time!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Hoarding Paper Goods

Can you call shopping on Amazon an addiction? It's not like I'm buying electronics or clothes or stuff I don't need. I buy practical stuff. Toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, air freshener, coffee. It's not like I'm paying all that much, either. Their Subscribe and Save discount, plus their coupon, plus a price reduction. Certainly cheaper than the sales at the grocery store.

But now that I finally got to go downstairs and organize my shelves I realized I might have let things get out of control. Sure looks pretty on my shelves, though!

Keys on Knees

A record long physical therapy session. Grocery shopping. Unloading the car from our time in Boise. Unpacking groceries. Helping hubby get his classroom ready. Celebrating hubby's birthday. All squished into one very long exhausting day.  The knee, the head, and the body are all screaming from the combination of busy activities. 

Can't forget about the driving. Today was the first day I've driven since surgery. As the knee has been getting stronger, I didn't see it would be much of a problem. But being I'm only wearing shorts because of the still-tender scar, a problem did present itself. 

When you drive, where do your dangling car keys hit? Mine? 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Universe is on my Side

Iselle isn't the first hurricane I've dodged. Where was I before Katrina hit? At a conference in New Orleans.

With this Iselle one we really cut it close. The flight we took last night? If we happened to be ending our vacation today here's what we would have found:

The Universe continues to look out for my best interests. We're home in Idaho while Hawaii prepares for the one-two punch. Category 1 Iselle hitting the Big Island as I type this, with category 3 Julio set to hit this weekend.

Oh, and there was an earthquake there today.

I'm always thankful for the Universe.