Sunday, August 17, 2014

Shopping in Circles

Going grocery shopping and shopping for shoes and clothes in the same store made me look like I didn't know where the heck I was going. Actually, I didn't. I've always shopped in the large women's clothing section of the store. But I can't wear those sizes anymore so I had to find a department that had clothes that would fit. Not knowing what size I really wear I had to spend time trying things on. All that work (plus the 3/4 of a mile of walking) and all I came away with was boring groceries and a pair of shoes and a shirt, both on clearance. Better than nothing.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Time to Pass the Christmas Torch

I've been thinking long and hard on this one. When I was cleaning my sewing room today the decision became final in my mind.

No more sewing Christmas stockings for the Stockings for Soldiers project.

This is the time of year when I start working on the project, but instead I find it's the time to pass the torch. Pass it to others who don't feel the need to outdo themselves due to some I-need-to-impress or I'm-never-enough way of thinking.

I have lots of non-Christmas charity projects and lots of non-Christmas fabric to work with.

It's kind of sad, but it's time to let Christmas go. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

GPS Malfunction

The GPS walking app on my phone must have some sort of issue. One lap around the block at work looks like this.

The two trips around the block looks like this.

You'd think I was running back and forth across the streets and in yards and into homes. (Don't worry, I wasn't.) Weird.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Personal Weather Station

No need to watch the weather on TV here. Just pay attention to the cat. When she hunches under the coffee table you know a storm is on its way.

This time there was more lightning in one storm than I have ever seen before. Even managed to snap a picture in the middle of the night.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Being Aware

When I'm busy it's hard for me to look beyond what I'm doing. While I've struggled with it for years I like to think I'm better than I used to be. I know I was better today since I was looking at the clouds on my way to work.

Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me and missed the opportunity to take a picture of a spectacular cloud formation. But I redeemed myself by continuing to be aware this afternoon. This interesting cloud caught my eye when I got home.