Saturday, February 3, 2018

Packing for a Cruise

It's Cruise Ship Saturday! Today we're talking about packing for a cruise.

When other passengers ask us about what we pack for a cruise they don't understand how it's possible we use just one suitcase. Then when we tell them hubby and I share the one suitcase they think it's impossible.

One of the biggest misconceptions a first-time cruiser has is that everyone wears dressy clothing all the time. Remember, these perfect photos are an advertisement. The ideal. They don’t represent the majority of passengers on today’s cruise ships. Go to your local movie theater, mall, or restaurant to see who you will find on a ship. Average people. Some are smaller, some are larger. Some wear sharply pressed clothing and some wear wrinkled clothing. Some look like they are heading to a wedding and some look like they are ready to mow the lawn. Even packing lists promote a mentality of it all having to be perfect. Do an internet search for cruise packing list and what you find will be overwhelming.

And not necessary.

Packing for a cruise isn’t much different than packing for a land-based vacation. There is no need to pack something just in case. With only paperwork, a passport, medications, a clean pair of undies, and some deodorant anyone could survive on a cruise. (But you’ll probably be more comfortable with more.) Bring a couple pairs of shoes with one dressier to wear into the dining room, a couple pairs of slacks, and a few tops. Reduce the amount of clothes by sticking with the same color scheme. Don’t forget to wear what you’re comfortable in! Wear the bulkiest of the clothes on the plane.

Whether going on a cruise or land vacation we subscribe to the belief of packing half as many clothes and twice as much money as we think we’ll need. Since we frequently take our trips last minute we keep a basket of our must-haves ready to go.  After all these years of traveling our list is about right. For us.

Our list:

  • Medications - Prescriptions, vitamins, pain relievers, antihistamines, cold medicine, anti-nausea, antacids.
  • Toiletries - Toothbrush and toothpaste (ask dentist for extras), deodorant, hair gel, powder, sunscreen, disposable razor, shaving cream, lip balm.
  • Adhesive bandages, travel size sewing kit, nail clippers, small scissors. We keep all of these in a glasses case.
  • Fabric freshener that can double as an air freshener. Remember the bathroom is small.
  • Reclosable bags in a variety of sizes. Keeps money dry and sand out of electronics while at the beach. Larger size bags can be used for sandy/muddy sandals and shoes.
  • Windbreaker, hat, cheap rain poncho.
  • Electronics, headphones, charger. We rotate electronics for charging.
  • Slippers. Comfy for a quick trip to the buffet.
  • Undergarments and socks. Bring old ratty ones and toss them out as the trip goes along. Leaves more room in the suitcase for trip purchases. We don't buy souvenirs but we sure like coming home with a lighter suitcase!
  • Cross body bag or drawstring backpack to use when going ashore. Holds ID and money, camera, on-shore purchases, sunscreen, beach towels. If not a beach day I use a waist wallet under my clothes. 
  • Magnetic clip to keep paperwork organized on the cabin wall.
  • Pocket sized hand sanitizer and disinfectant spray.
  • For warm weather trips - snorkeling equipment and underwater camera, swimsuits and cover-up, sandals. 
  • We don’t own binoculars but if we did we would take them on voyages to Alaska.
Bald eagles and calving glaciers will be easier to see with binoculars.

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Friday 15

“The numerous choices you have around yourself are often superficial; they don’t matter. The art lies in doing more with less. Minimal requirements, more work.” 
― Vishal Ostwal, Pocket Productivity

Doing more with less. Less notepads and binders and office organizers. Add in the five things I sold on eBay this week and there is my 15 for the. Buh Bye to crap.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Dream Lives

“If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.” 
~ Roopleen

It is alive. And FREE until midnight on February 1. Exclusively on Amazon.

If you read it and like it, please leave a kind review on Amazon. Since it's a new edition the reviews from the old one don't transfer. Thanks a bunch, and enjoy!

Swimming with the Turtles in Akumal Bay, Mexico

It's Wanderlust Wednesday! Today we're talking about swimming with the turtles in Akumal Bay, Mexico.

This week's adventure is a continuation of last week's. Part I can be found here.

When we arrived at Akumal Bay there was a bit of a break in the weather. By the time we got the snorkel life jackets (different ones than the cenotes life jackets), it was getting a bit cloudy again. That should have been a sign to turn back. But we all forged ahead with our fins on to join the turtles. A few turtles were spotted.
And so were ominous storm clouds.
It wasn’t but a few minutes until the downpour started. The seas became very rough and the guide made us get out of the water. Immediately. We had already been soaked all day long so we didn’t even run for cover. We just walked in the pouring rain and howling wind to return our life jackets.
The plan was for us to make our way to a local restaurant for a buffet lunch and some beach time. Walking through the streets to get to the restaurant was like fording rivers. No beach time could be had. The ferry’s departure time had already been re-scheduled for those wanting to do some shopping. Fording more stream-filled streets for some shopping ? Not for me. I decided to stick around the restaurant until it was time to leave. My two knee-replacement and screw-filled shoulders had enough adventure for the day.

The ferry ride back to Cozumel wasn’t nearly as rough. There were a few plastic bags being handed out but not like on the ride over. Thank you again, iron stomach. And thank you to myself for learning how to snorkel. A full day of wet hair and wet shoes and wet towels and wet clothes. Soaked to the bone. Can’t wait for a sunny Cozumel port day so I can try cenotes in the sun!

Monday, January 29, 2018

Motivated Monday - I Can See the End

“Building something that matters is a marathon, not a sprint.” 
~ Dragos Bratasanu

My marathon is halfway over. After about 25 revisions I am finally on the last run-through. 51% of the final edits are complete. I can see the end.