Friday, August 24, 2018

Caribbean Princess Sea Day, August 24

Today is our last sea day and it's a cloudy one.
And we're totally okay with that. While most folks are heading home tomorrow, we'll be on the ship for a while still. Plus neither one of us needs any more sun right now. And it's laundry day.

Although we are Elite and get free laundry, we don't always take advantage of it. We used to send out laundry a couple times a week but found having our clothes running through the ship's laundry that much were wearing our clothes out faster. So now we supplement free laundry with using the laundry room and doing some things in the sink. Hubby's the laundry guy so he's off doing it down on Deck 10 since there isn't a laundromat on our deck. The pricing and purchasing system is like this one on Golden Princess a couple months back, $3 for a wash or dry, FYI for anyone coming on the Caribbean Princess soon - the token machine is empty on Deck 10 and the token machine is out of service on Deck 8. Unless they get the token machines filled or fixed, just head to passenger services to purchase your tokens.

In addition to laundry this morning, we attended an informational session for folks staying on for the next cruise. It's a smart decision for Princess to start offering this meeting for folks new to the process. We do back-to-back cruises a lot so there wasn't anything new said we didn't already know, but kudos for Princess for offering general information and having staff on-hand to answer any questions afterwards. They also had specialty dining folks there taking reservations for next week so those staying on had first choice of times for next cruise. We're trying to come away with a zero balance due after these three weeks so I don't think specialty dining will be on our list for this trip. (Although we may splurge for the $12 per person charge for Planks BBQ.)

If you'd like to see what kind of info in-transit passengers get, you can take a look here.

Otherwise today we have a pretty lazy day going on. I was hoping there was an Arts & Crafts session going on but no luck today. The other day - St. Thomas day - I wanted to go to the Arts & Crafts session being held in Sabatini's. But my route to Sabatini's was blocked. Workers had the doors to hallways surrounding Sabatini's and the photo gallery blocked for Medallion™ work. The Captain had told us there was work happening around the photo gallery but I didn't expect it would interfere with my crafts. Ugh. Later I found out the craft session was moved to Explorers. Oh well.

Which leads me to the newest Medallion™ update:
I've combined my updates to make the progression of the roll-out more clear. 
August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here. 
Sept 1-8 updates can be found here.

Tomorrow is turnaround day for us, disembarkation day for others. The ship has a couple excursions for passengers in transit, the Everglades Boat Tour one and the Las Olas Waterways one, but we'll be catching either the bus or trolley to make our way down to 5 O'Clock Charlies. Remember, that's the place we didn't get to last week on our Ft. Lauderdale Un-Adventure Day because of hubby's fall.

Looking for the Patter for today? It's right here.

Want to know where I'm leaving today's encouraging word money pocket? In the Planks section of the buffet at lunch.
As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Back to Florida tomorrow!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Caribbean Princess Sea Day, August 23

Today is a sea day and I was up early enough to snap some sunrise photos. The view changed from one minute to the next.

Since it's a sea day it's a lazy day for me. Hubby told me this morning I need to rename my blog from Debs Days to Deb Does Nothing Days. Part of the problem with today is I made a bit of a mistake yesterday. 

It's been a while since I've sat on a white sand beach in the Caribbean. I forgot that although I might be covered by the shade of an umbrella for four hours, that white sand is reflective. And then the chances are going to be good that I'll be red-faced by the end of the day. Hubby can pull it off because he is already darker skinned then me. But I'm pretty fair skinned so those sun-bouncing-off-the-sand rays treat me a little more harshly. So there will be no showing my face anywhere today. Other than the balcony, of course.

Which is where hubby made his mistake. I was on the balcony this morning and he headed off to the International Cafe for a while. He shut the balcony door behind him as usual. But when I was ready to come into the cabin, I couldn't. Any guesses why? He locked the balcony door behind him. 

With me on the balcony. 

Now, if you ever go to the International Cafe for coffee or snacks or a chat, you know those visits can last a while. Which his did. Which left me on the balcony. With no bathroom available. I tried to keep myself busy with the iPad (again, yay unlimited Internet) but that only lasted so long. I did get a couple photos of the sargassum that's been floating in the water almost this whole trip. Sometimes it is in strips and sometimes it is clumps. But, boy the water color is beautiful.

After a while I felt like I was going to have to behave like one of those seagulls we sometimes see on balconies in Alaska. They fly onto the balcony to eat food some passenger left out. And then they get stuck and can't find their way back out. They get desperate and fly into the railing glass, fly into the door, fly into one side of the balcony divider and then the other, all looking for the way out. Lucky for me I didn't have to do any of the above. Although when hubby finally showed back up I'm not sure what he thought when I pounded the door with an open the door I gotta go to the bathroom look on my face.

Hopefully that's all the major excitement for the day. I have some writing to catch up on, some tutorial scripts to plan out, and some lobster-looking skin to attend to.

I forgot to mention this week we are celebrating an anniversary and a birthday. Actually, I had even forgotten until the balloons and cards showed up.
When we booked these cruises it was a couple weeks before my birthday. Which then a week later was our anniversary. Which a week after that was hubby's birthday. So when the Princess Vacation Planner asked if we were celebrating anything I naturally said my birthday. Then said actually anniversary. Oh, I guess hubby's birthday. 

Well, it looks like we're celebrating at least a couple of them this cruise. For we received balloons and a sign for our anniversary for our door. We also received a card. Then we also received separate cards to present in the dining room, one for our anniversary and one for hubby's birthday. 

We picked up both cakes and gee whiz it was hard to get them from a supervisor in the buffet. Not quite right to deliver them easily to people eating in the dining room but make it such a hassle for someone who chooses to eat in the buffet. If Princess wants to  offer a celebration treat it should be available for all, no matter where they eat. Grr.

We shared one of the desserts.
And then gave the other one away to a hardworking crew member working in International Cafe.
Medallion™ Update:
I've combined my updates to make the progression of the roll-out more clear. 

August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here. 
Sept 1-8 updates can be found here.

Patter: Today's Patter can be found here. One new thing this cruise that we get with the Patter is a paper called the Daily Crave. It lists all the dining venues and times. I've uploaded today's Daily Crave here so you can see what it looks like.

Encouraging words money pocket:
Dropped off in a menu at The Mix Bar.

Tonight is formal night and I'll leave the balloon-dropping for those who want to fight the crowds. We're headed to another sea day tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be less lobster-y and be ready to be out and about. 

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Caribbean Princess in St. Maarten, August 22

Hello from St. Maarten!
I thought yesterday was perfect. I was wrong. It was today that was perfect. But also a bit sad.

We hadn't been to St. Maarten since last year's hurricane. After today I can say the damage is pretty significant. 
We took a taxi over to Orient Beach and went to the Bikini Bar. Bikini Bar used to be a super busy place. Now it's the only place open on the beach. And pretty darn empty.

Here's a picture from a couple years back. It's hard to see, but in the picture are all kinds of bars and restaurants and huts and lounge chairs along Orient Beach.

Now here's a picture I took today from almost the same spot. The place is decimated. There is not one lounge chair, not one bar, not one restaurant left intact and operating from Bikini Bar on down.

But it's like the beach has been given a fresh start. The crowds are minimal, the sand (and sargassum) are in their natural states. Bikini Bar has brand new buildings and umbrellas and lounges. Comfy lounges. And food and drinks. The menu for the Bikini Bar can be found here.
And vendors bugging you on the beach. They even have a sign to warn you. Just say no and they move on.

It was such a perfect day. A bit of a breeze, nice warm ocean water, and plenty of space to spread out. The beach was not busy at all. Just the way we like it. It's a shame that more people aren't heading to the beach though. They need our tourist dollars. 
Not our drinks but it made for a good picture.
We'll be back to St. Maarten in a couple weeks and plan on spending more of our tourist dollars to help support the island. 

Now ship info...
Today's Patter can be found here.

Buffet info: For those buffet folks who are interested in the seating in the new World Fresh Marketplace, you'll find different types of chairs. The center seating looks a bit different from the window seating.

There are even some couches.
 There are also some tall chairs facing the windows.
 Planks, a bit farther back in the buffet has different seating.
 And Steamers seating is another different venue with another type of seating.

Medallion™ Update:
I've combined my updates to make the progression of the roll-out more clear. 

August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here. 
Sept 1-8 updates can be found here.

Encouraging Word Money Pocket: Today's was dropped off in the restroom at the Bikini Bar at Orient Beach. 
I do think I took my own advice.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Caribbean Princess in St. Thomas, August 21

We're often asked why we remain on the same ship week after week. Some people assume it's boring to go to the same ports, having the same foods to eat, and seeing the same shows and are sure they could never make it work for them.

Actually we don't mind it a bit. Stepping on a Princess cruise ship is like home to us. We feel comfortable here. And when we visit the same ports again and again, those begin to feel like home, too. But I think one of the biggest plusses for us in repeating the same itinerary is the flexibility.

When we hit a port just once we feel like we have to cram in as much into a day as humanly possible. We want to see it all. Which leads to exhaustion. Makes the vacation feel like work.

Take St. Thomas, for example. Today there are four cruise ships on the island, including the behemoth Harmony of the Seas with almost 7,000 passengers. Add that to the other three ships in and we've got around 17,000 cruise ship passengers filling the beaches and shops and restaurants.
We're docked in front of a Carnival ship.
While Coki beach would have been our go-to for today, the idea of people on top of people doesn't sound like a relaxing vacation. But we'll be here again in two weeks on a two ship 7,000 passenger day. Much more manageable. And much more stress-reducing. Isn't that what a vacation should be?

So today we called an audible and changed up our plans. We would just wander the port in search of food, and more importantly, drink. While hubby was finishing up in International Cafe I did a quick Internet search for "food and drinks Havensight" and The Smoking Rooster popped up. We decided to wander the port, look around, and stop at the The Smoking Rooster.

I didn't expect The Smoking Rooster to be that close. Down the sidewalk just outside the gate and BAM you're there. Heck, just forget looking around and plop down!

Here's the view from our table. Yep, that's the ship back there. (And a random couple, not us.)
I took a photo from our balcony when we  got back. Yep, close.

We had quite the day. A shared sampler platter of lots of tasty food.
Topped with a variety of sauces.
Accompanied by sangria and Mai Tais and Cock a Doodle Do drinks.
And a drop off of an encouraging words money pocket. 

While we didn't travel far from the ship, it was a perfect vacation day. Even as I'm typing this it's perfect. A nice evening on the balcony with music coming from somewhere onshore. I think it might even be from The Smoking Rooster. Go figure.

Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself to check if this life is really my life. How did I get here? Why am I one of the lucky ones who get to live a life like this one? Who gets to sit in a bar in St. Thomas drinking and eating good BBQ on a Tuesday? Sure, health wise the two of us have been through a lot in the last few years. (Thank goodness for the blog during those times - it's the only thing that got me up every morning. Remember where I started on that Day 1 post? I sure do.) But how did we get through it and others didn't? I often wonder about that.

One thing I don't wonder about is how lucky we really are. I know for sure we are blessed to have this life. These experiences. And I know each time we take a trip it may be our last. After some trips - and sometimes midway through some trips - I'm certain we are done. But by golly, we recover and regroup and find ourselves able to plug away one more day.

Medallion™ Update:
I've combined my updates to make the progression of the roll-out more clear. 

August 18-25 updates can be found here.
August 25-Sept 1 updates can found here. 
Sept 1-8 updates can be found here.

Patter: Today's Patter can be found right here. The nice thing about the Patter on this ship is that it is delivered early. Since there are no mailboxes they are printing super-early so the stewards can deliver them into the cabins during their evening service rounds.

We're off to St. Maarten tomorrow.

Life is good, isn't it?

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, please click on the envelope icon at the top right of this screen.

How to Sew Fabric Bowl Covers - Tutorial Tuesday

It's Tutorial Tuesday! Today we are going to whip up some fabric bowl covers. Keep your food covered with these reversible and washable covers!

For this project you will need:
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Looking for something else? Check out some of my other kitchen sewing and crafting projects!

You can find the step by step how to tutorial for the homemade fabric bowl covers right here: