Thursday, April 11, 2019

Grand Princess Resources

If you want to know anything else about the Grand Princess or have any questions about cruising or Princess Cruises, just ask. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

No Sew Fabric Bookmark DIY Project - Tutorial Tuesday

For today's Tutorial Tuesday we have a quick and easy no-sew bookmark project idea.

Homemade Quick and Easy No Sew Fabric Bookmark Craft Project
For this project you will need:
*Two pieces of fabric 
*Two pieces of Heat 'n Bond Ultrahold 
*Pinking shears
*Ribbon measuring (I cut a little v into the end of mine.)

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Looking for a different bookmark? 
Check out my other bookmark projects!

You can find the step-by-step how to video instructions for the homemade quick and easy no sew fabric bookmark project here:

Friday, April 5, 2019

Grand Princess Last Sea Day

The other day hubby’s this is awesome quote ruled the day. Today it was me that said some words I never expected would come out of my mouth.

I’m glad we’re not going to Hawaii.

I had been working on hubby, trying to get him to agree to stay on this ship and take the next cruise to Hawaii. It’s a place we’ve been several times over and I never get tired of. But now I’m okay with not going, thanks to the kennel cruise cough I caught a few days ago. A cough that has turned into a deep down chest cold. Yesterday the sneezing and stuffy head started and now I feel completely miserable and have absolutely no interest in going anywhere but home right now. If I’m giving up on Hawaii, I know I’m sick.

So other than leaving the cabin to say goodbye to our cruise ship “son”, I’ve quarantined myself in the cabin, tucked under the covers, catching up on sleep and on movies I had downloaded. Throw in the packing and that has been the extent of my day.

The only picture I could force myself to take was of the bridge cam on the television.

Our first rainy day of this entire trip is probably a good day to be okay with letting this bug run its course. Tomorrow we’re back in San Francisco and will be heading home. I’ll do a trip wrap up sometime in the next week after I feel better.

The link to today’s Patter is here.

(Sorry for the brief, non-helpful post today. I really don't feel up to writing.)

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Grand Princess in Ensenada, Mexico

Today was Ensenada and unfortunately we didn’t make it out. All the miles we’ve walked these past few days have about worn us out. While we do some walking at home, we don’t do extended distances like we do when we travel. For good reason. For hubby, it’s the Cerebral Palsy joint issues; for me it’s the rheumatoid arthritis joint issues. I sometimes forget how bad off we will be after long-walking days. Then I remember things like doctor appointments. On August 18, 2014, I wrote on my blog about a doctor's appointment I had that day:
He is absolutely confident that I will be in a wheelchair and on disability within five years. And between now and those five years? The pain, stiffness, fatigue, and joint damage will get worse. I will never get better, never live a normal life. 
And guess what? This year I’m at that five year mark. And darned if that doctor might have been right. It won’t be much longer before I’m going to have to have a scooter for traveling.

The ship has been crazy busy with people today. Of all our ships and all our ports visited, Ensenada is the one port where we find most people stay on the ship. We hear the same two things all the time about why people won’t go out. 1. It’s dirty. 2. It’s unsafe.

I get their concerns. Our first few trips here we felt the same way. But once we ventured out, we realized those fears were unfounded. We have a special taco place we go to every time now. It’s down by the fish market, but too far for us to walk today. 
They look so good, don’t they?
So we didn't get to have our tasty fish tacos and stayed onboard with what seemed like half of the ship. We’re all missing out today, but we might be the only ones who realize it. (If you’re interested in other things to do in Ensenada, click here to see my top five things.)

Tomorrow is a sea day as we head back towards San Francisco. This has been a quick trip for us. I’m not sure we’ll do just a seven day cruise again as we prefer those times we’re gone for weeks at a time, but we’ll see.

Encouraging Words Project update: Just when I write that the messages aren’t being shared, wouldn’t you know they showed up on today’s Wake Show.